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  Master Project Mobile Software Systems (MOBI-PRAI-M)

Aboubakr Benabbas

4 SWS, das Projekt findet in Kooperation mit dem KogSys-Mobi Projekt (Bamberg zaubert) von Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid statt
Zeit und Ort: n.V.; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: siehe VC

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Grundlegende Kenntnisse über relationale Datenbanken, relationale Algebra und SQL, z.B. erworben im Modul SEDA-DMS-B: Datenmanagementsysteme

Applications of in mobile software systems, which are taken from current research activities in mobile, context-aware systems and data stream management, are carried out in part individually and in part in small teams of students, from conception, via theoretical and/or practical realization, to evaluation. In particular, the project concerns the development of sound concepts pertaining to the task to be addressed under the given project constraints. This requires studying the current research literature and relevant approaches on the project's topic. An example of a project task would be the conceptual development, the prototypic implementation, and the case-study-driven evaluation of a small sensor-based, mobile system, which would require knowledge from the modul MOBI-DSC Data streams and event processing.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 6

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Informatik, insbesondere Mobile Softwaresysteme

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