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SE Allgemeine Psychologie II: The Psychology of Emotions & Habits [Psych-Emot-Hab]

Daniel Jäger
Seminar, 2 SWS
Mi, 8:00 - 10:00, M3N/01.26
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • Das SE gehört zum Modul 'Allgemeine Psychologie II' im Bachelor-Studiengang 'Psychologie'.
  • Das Seminar gehört zum Modul 'Psychologie des Lernens, Lehrens und der Entwicklung: Basismodul A (Wahlpflichtmodul)' im Master-Studiengang 'Empirische Bildungsforschung'.
  • Die Anmeldung für die Bachelor-Studiengänge 'Psychologie' und 'Psychologie mit schulpsychologischem Schwerpunkt' erfolgt über die Seminaranmeldebörse.
When you feel anxious, happy, sad, what is happening inside you? How does the brain create emotions? How do emotions relate to behavior and how can we make changes that stick? To answer these questions we will have a closer look at the Conceptual Act Theory (Barrett, 2017) and on research concerning the Psychology of Habits (Wood, 2019).

We are going to gradually read book chapters (see below) and discuss them with one another afterwards. Furthermore, I ask you to organize the discussed topics in a mind map and draw on this knowledge to develop your own project which is meant to apply one of the discussed topics to your own life (e.g. how to start an exercise habit while in quarantine, does music create emotions as supposed by the Conceptual Act Theory?, ). In this course, we will take the time to help one another to develop good project ideas, which are not too time consuming but still relevant. More details in class.

This is a course taught in English. If your English language is not very well, this is your chance to improve it. If you want to practice your English skills, that is also fine. I would like to underline that all students are welcome to take this course and I will do my best to help you get better in writing, speaking, reading and comprehending English. Do not hesitate to sign up!

If there are any remaining questions, just e-mail me and I will get to you as soon as I can. I am looking forward to meeting you in the course.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Barrett, L. F. (2017). How emotions are made: The secret life of the brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Wood, W. (2019). Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes that Stick. Pan Macmillan.

Weitere Literatur wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.


Sozio-affektive Neurowissenschaft & Psychotherapie

Daniel Jäger
Seminar, 2 SWS
Do, 8:00 - 10:00, M3/02.10

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