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Making diversity work? Diversity, inclusion and cooperation through a social psychology lense

Oliver Lauenstein
Seminar, 2 SWS
Einzeltermin am 26.1.2018, 14:00 - 19:30, MG2/02.09
Einzeltermin am 27.1.2018, Einzeltermin am 28.1.2018, 9:00 - 18:30, MG2/02.09
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Seminar wird für den Bachelor-Studiengang Psychologie Pflichtmodul Sozialpsychologie angeboten.
"A lot of social psychology, especially when groups are concerned, focusses on intergroup conflict or even aggression and violence. Being different from each other, it appears, is first and foremost a source of animosity. Is this, however, really the case? Are groups or identities really as homogenous and our own memberships in groups as clear-cut as we believe? In this course we will explore three main aspects: Firstly, the diversity within and across groups as well as ourselves; secondly, how this affects group dynamics and thirdly, we will particularly focus on approaches within social psychology that attempt to offer a framework for cooperation and inclusion despite our individual and group differences.
The specifics of the course will be adapted according to pre-course discussion in the course-moodle. This is to say, you will have some say in the main themes of the seminar. Depending on your interests, we can include some more political psychology/philosophy (e.g. looking at Appiah's concept of modern cosmopolitanism) or focus on classic social psychology (e.g. Tajfel's Social Identity Theory). Some theories and concepts that will likely be covered include: allophilia, intersectionality, human identity, polyculturalism, contact theory and integroup theory.
The seminar will be based on a close reading and analysis of a selected small number of articles, which will be announced at the start of the semester, as well as some media analysis and - if possible - conversation with some of the studies' authors.
The seminar will be held in English."

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