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PWM-PT-HS2: The theory and politics of freedom

Benjamin Hofmann
Seminar, ECTS: 8
Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Besonderheiten im Wintersemester 2021/22:
Mischung aus wöchentlichen Online-Sitzungen zur angegebenen Zeit (via Zoom) und asynchronen Elementen (Referate müssen vor den Seminarsitzungen aufgenommen und in den VC geladen werden, Forumsdiskussion).

The final grade for the class will be based on a term paper (Seminararbeit) of no more than 7500 words (Deadline: 30.03.2022). While classes will be conducted in English, students have the option to submit the final paper in English or German. Students are also required to either (i) give one presentation over the course of the semester or (ii) submit 2 short reflection papers responding to our weekly readings (up to 1000 words each).

Anmeldung in FlexNow zur Prüfung, NICHT zur Lehrveranstaltung:
30.09.2021 (ab 10 Uhr) - 14.10.2021 (bis 23:30 Uhr)

Abmeldung in FlexNow:
möglich bis 29.10.2021(bis 23:30 Uhr)

Anmeldung technisch nicht möglich:
Falls das WS2021/22 Ihr erstes Semester an der Uni Bamberg ist und Sie deswegen noch keine Zugangsdaten haben, um sich in FlexNow anzumelden oder das Anmeldefenster bereits geschlossen sein, so kontaktieren Sie das Sekretariat.

Bitte abonnieren Sie außerdem politikwissenschaft-liste.sowi@uni-bamberg.de über die Seite iam.uni-bamberg.de (und dort dann "Verteilergruppen Eigene Mitgliedschaften") und beachten Sie die Hinweise zum Studium der Politikwissenschaft.
We cover a number of seminal debates in political theory by way of analyzing the relationship between freedom and politics. Rousseau, writing in 1762, claimed to have resolved and defended the seeming paradox, according to which politics and law can force us to be free. We will encounter thinkers who, like Rousseau, believe in the liberating potential of politics, and those who hold that politics and freedom are always in tension that political institutions infringe on a natural right to liberty. The questions we will address include: What is freedom? And what is slavery? What is the relationship between freedom and other values, such as equality and democracy? Would it be better to talk of freedom(s) in the plural? Should we make laws to protect freedom or, conversely, protect it from the law? In answering these questions we will be mindful of the gap between theory and practice, to which Angela Davis calls our attention, between freedom as it is developed conceptually and the lack of freedom in the real world. To assess the state of freedom in the real world we will enter a number of current and historical political debates that implicate freedom, delving into issues such as mass incarceration; free speech on and off campus; homelessness; immigration; and COVID-19 measures. Readings include: Hannah Arendt, Frederick Douglass, Angela Davis, John Locke, G.A. Cohen, Friedrich von Hayek, Rosa Luxemburg, Philip Pettit, Tommie Shelby, Shatema Threadcraft, and George Orwell.

Students wishing to get a feel for the class are highly encouraged to check out the readings indicated below. Kukathas 2009 gives an overview of modern theories of freedom. Patterson 2008 and Cohen 2011 give some sense of the range of styles and methodologies we will encounter. Newcomers to political theory might also find it useful to consult Wolin 2016 and List and Valentini 2014.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Kukathas, Chandran. 2009. Liberty. In: A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Edited by Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 534-547.

Patterson, Orlando. 2008. Freedom, Slavery, and the Modern Construction of Rights. In: The Cultural Values of Europe. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press. 115-151. Available online.
Cohen, G.A. 2011. Freedom and Money. In grateful memory of Isaiah Berlin. In: On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 166-192.
Wolin, Sheldon S. 2016. Politics and Vision. Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought. Expanded edition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Chapter 1 Political Philosophy and Philosophy (3-26).
List, Christian and Laura Valentini. 2014. Political Theory. Available online

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