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BA/S: Women and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (Di, 14-16)

Agata Maria Kraj
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Achtung: Die Anmeldefrist wurde verkürzt: bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 19. April 2020 an.
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, F21/03.48
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Achtung: Die Anmeldefrist wurde verkürzt: bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 19. April 2020 an.
Attention: New deadline for registration: April 19, 2020

Prerequisites/Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: None

Assessment criteria/Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises:
In case of in-class teaching: A portfolio consisting of one presentation (25%) and one term paper (75%).
In case of online teaching: A portfolio consisting of 11 short papers, 400-600 words each (each short paper counting for 9,09% of the final grade)

Given the level of uncertainty related to the spread of Covid-19 potentially affecting the manner in which the module is taught, the achievement of the module’s learning objectives in case of online teaching will be assessed on the basis of a number of graded short papers.

Regardless of the mode of teaching employed, regular and active participation in the seminar is expected.

Language of instruction is English.

ECTS credits: 6
This seminar focuses on the existing scholarly literature concerning women s political representation in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Thus, the course begins with a brief introduction into the legacy of the Communist system in the region vis-à-vis women s presence in legislatures, and an overview of their current levels of numerical representation. This will open the door for a brief discussion of the normative aspects of women s representation and a debate about whether it matters who representatives are and why increasing women s numbers in legislatures might be of importance to legislative processes and policy outputs. Following the normative discussions, the class will explore various cultural and political factors shaping women s political presence across the region (e.g. mass movements, ideology, political culture and electoral rules, the EU), and assess the difference that women make in politics in the specific countries in CEE.

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