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Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung: Migration and gender: Conducting an experiment

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + one seminar paper
  • The seminar paper focuses on the description of the administered experiments
  • We will conduct experiments in groups of 2-4people, depending on the number of students in class
  • Experiments will be supervised (by me) and completed by the end of the class

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung
  • Bildungssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
For long periods of time, the social sciences were characterized by the application of nonexperi-mental methods such as social surveys, interviewing, or direct observation. In recent decades how-ever, experimental research has become more and more popular. Moreover, some social science questions may even be best addressed with the use of experiments, particularly those that concern causality.
Similarly, early migration studies tended to neglect gender-specific arguments and paid less atten-tion to migration and integration processes that differ between genders. Yet contemporary research highlights such issues.
This seminar picks up on these developments and introduces into the basics of experimental research, as well as into gender-specific migration effects. The first part of the class covers the essen-tials of experimental design and introduces into different experimental types (laboratory, field, and vignette). The second part of the class gives an overview of intersections between migration and gen-der. In the last (and core) part of the seminar, we will conduct our own experiments that address gender-specific effects of migration.

Ausgewählte Probleme der Migrationssoziologie: Experimente in der Soziologie. Grundprinzipien und Anwendungsbeispiele

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 5
Fr, 11:00 - 13:00, F21/03.03
Einzeltermin am 8.6.2018, 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.03
Einzeltermin am 29.6.2018, Einzeltermin am 6.7.2018, Einzeltermin am 13.7.2018, 11:00 - 13:00, FMA/00.07
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Einbringbar in:
D. 1 Studienschwerpunkt Bildung, Arbeit, Familie und Lebenslauf (D.1.1 E)
D. 2 Studienschwerpunkt Bevölkerung, Migration und Integration (D.2.1 D)
E.1 Kontextstudium

Credits: 5
Leistung: Referat + Hausarbeit
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: keine
In der empirischen Sozialforschung wurden lange Zeit nicht-experimentelle Methoden wie Befra-gungen eingesetzt. In den letzten Jahrzehnten nimmt jedoch auch die Experimentalforschung einen immer größeren Raum ein. Im Rahmen des Seminars soll diese Entwicklung aufgegriffen werden. Hierzu wird in die Grund-lagen des Experimentaldesigns eingeführt. Im ersten Teil der Veranstaltung soll aufgezeigt werden, für welche Arten von Fragestellungen welche Form des Experiments geeignet ist und was bei der empirischen Umsetzung berücksichtigt werden sollte. Im zweiten Teil des Seminars werden exemplarisch ausgewählte Studien diskutiert. Im Zentrum stehen Experimentaldesigns, die zur Untersuchung von Problemstellungen der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung Anwendung finden. Ausgehend von diesen Grundlagen soll im dritten Teil der Veranstaltung ein eigenes Expe-rimentaldesign entwickelt werden.

Ausgewählte Probleme der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Experimente in der Soziologie: Grundprinzipien und Anwendungsbeispiele

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 5
Fr, 11:00 - 13:00, F21/03.03
Einzeltermin am 8.6.2018, 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Einbringbar in:
D. 1 Studienschwerpunkt Bildung, Arbeit, Familie und Lebenslauf (D.1.1 E)
D. 2 Studienschwerpunkt Bevölkerung, Migration und Integration (D.2.1 D)
E.1 Kontextstudium

Credits: 5
Leistung: Referat + Hausarbeit
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: keine
In der empirischen Sozialforschung wurden lange Zeit nicht-experimentelle Methoden wie Befragungen eingesetzt. In den letzten Jahrzehnten nimmt jedoch auch die Experimentalforschung einen immer größeren Raum ein. Im Rahmen des Seminars soll diese Entwicklung aufgegriffen werden. Hierzu wird in die Grundlagen des Experimentaldesigns eingeführt. Im ersten Teil der Veranstaltung soll aufgezeigt werden, für welche Arten von Fragestellungen welche Form des Experiments geeignet ist und was bei der empirischen Umsetzung berücksichtigt werden sollte. Im zweiten Teil des Seminars werden exemplarisch ausgewählte Studien diskutiert. Im Zentrum stehen Experimentaldesigns, die zur Untersuchung von Problemstellungen der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung Anwendung finden. Ausgehend von diesen Grundlagen soll im dritten Teil der Veranstaltung ein eigenes Expe-rimentaldesign entwickelt werden.

Bildungssoziologie: Migration und Bildung - Migration and gender: Conducting an experiment

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + one seminar paper
  • The seminar paper focuses on the description of the administered experiments
  • We will conduct experiments in groups of 2-4people, depending on the number of students in class
  • Experiments will be supervised (by me) and completed by the end of the class

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung
  • Bildungssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
For long periods of time, the social sciences were characterized by the application of nonexperi-mental methods such as social surveys, interviewing, or direct observation. In recent decades how-ever, experimental research has become more and more popular. Moreover, some social science questions may even be best addressed with the use of experiments, particularly those that concern causality.
Similarly, early migration studies tended to neglect gender-specific arguments and paid less attention to migration and integration processes that differ between genders. Yet contemporary research highlights such issues.
This seminar picks up on these developments and introduces into the basics of experimental re-search, as well as into gender-specific migration effects. The first part of the class covers the essen-tials of experimental design and introduces into different experimental types (laboratory, field, and vignette). The second part of the class gives an overview of intersections between migration and gen-der. In the last (and core) part of the seminar, we will conduct our own experiments that address gender-specific effects of migration.

Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration - Migration and gender: Conducting an experiment

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + one seminar paper
  • The seminar paper focuses on the description of the administered experiments
  • We will conduct experiments in groups of 2-4people, depending on the number of students in class
  • Experiments will be supervised (by me) and completed by the end of the class

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung
  • Bildungssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
For long periods of time, the social sciences were characterized by the application of nonexperi-mental methods such as social surveys, interviewing, or direct observation. In recent decades how-ever, experimental research has become more and more popular. Moreover, some social science questions may even be best addressed with the use of experiments, particularly those that concern causality.
Similarly, early migration studies tended to neglect gender-specific arguments and paid less atten-tion to migration and integration processes that differ between genders. Yet contemporary research highlights such issues.
This seminar picks up on these developments and introduces into the basics of experimental research, as well as into gender-specific migration effects. The first part of the class covers the essen-tials of experimental design and introduces into different experimental types (laboratory, field, and vignette). The second part of the class gives an overview of intersections between migration and gen-der. In the last (and core) part of the seminar, we will conduct our own experiments that address gender-specific effects of migration.

Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie: Migration and gender: Conducting an experiment

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + one seminar paper
  • The seminar paper focuses on the description of the administered experiments
  • We will conduct experiments in groups of 2-4people, depending on the number of students in class
  • Experiments will be supervised (by me) and completed by the end of the class

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung
  • Bildungssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
For long periods of time, the social sciences were characterized by the application of nonexperi-mental methods such as social surveys, interviewing, or direct observation. In recent decades how-ever, experimental research has become more and more popular. Moreover, some social science questions may even be best addressed with the use of experiments, particularly those that concern causality.
Similarly, early migration studies tended to neglect gender-specific arguments and paid less atten-tion to migration and integration processes that differ between genders. Yet contemporary research highlights such issues.
This seminar picks up on these developments and introduces into the basics of experimental research, as well as into gender-specific migration effects. The first part of the class covers the essen-tials of experimental design and introduces into different experimental types (laboratory, field, and vignette). The second part of the class gives an overview of intersections between migration and gen-der. In the last (and core) part of the seminar, we will conduct our own experiments that address gender-specific effects of migration.

Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Migration and gender: Conducting an experiment

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
ACHTUNG: Das Seminar beginnt am 20 April!
ab 20.4.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + one seminar paper
  • The seminar paper focuses on the description of the administered experiments
  • We will conduct experiments in groups of 2-4people, depending on the number of students in class
  • Experiments will be supervised (by me) and completed by the end of the class

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations-, und Integrationsforschung
  • Bildungssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
For long periods of time, the social sciences were characterized by the application of nonexperi-mental methods such as social surveys, interviewing, or direct observation. In recent decades how-ever, experimental research has become more and more popular. Moreover, some social science questions may even be best addressed with the use of experiments, particularly those that concern causality.
Similarly, early migration studies tended to neglect gender-specific arguments and paid less atten-tion to migration and integration processes that differ between genders. Yet contemporary research highlights such issues.
This seminar picks up on these developments and introduces into the basics of experimental research, as well as into gender-specific migration effects. The first part of the class covers the essen-tials of experimental design and introduces into different experimental types (laboratory, field, and vignette). The second part of the class gives an overview of intersections between migration and gen-der. In the last (and core) part of the seminar, we will conduct our own experiments that address gender-specific effects of migration.

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