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Ausgewählte Themen der Lebensverlaufsforschung: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Bildung und Arbeit im Lebensverlauf: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review)
1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Bildungssoziologie Vertiefungsmodul (Wahlpflichtmodul) Sozialer Wandel und internationaler Vergleich: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Bildungssoziologie Vertiefungsmodul (Wahlpflichtmodul): Fortgeschrittene oder ausgewählte Themen der (international vergleichenden) Lebensverlaufsforschung: Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Fortgeschrittene Themen Familie: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Lebenslauf und soziale Ungleichheit: Geschlechterungleichheiten in der Ausbildung und am Arbeitsmarkt

Wilfred Uunk
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Einzeltermin am 26.6.2018, Einzeltermin am 3.7.2018, 14:00 - 16:00, KÄ7/01.09
Einzeltermin am 10.7.2018, 12:00 - 14:00, KÄ7/01.09
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (5 ECTS): Übernahmne eines Referats Kontinuierliche Teilnahme Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper)

Sozialer Wandel und internationaler Vergleich: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

Ungleichheit und Sozialstruktur: Die neusten Fortschritte in der Familiensoziologie

Wilfred Uunk
Hauptseminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, KÄ7/01.09
vom 9.4.2018 bis zum 14.7.2018
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises (6 ECTS): • Übernahmne eines Referats • Kontinuierliche Teilnahme • Hausarbeiten (individuelles Paper: Literatur Review) 1. Students understand recent theoretical and methodological advances in themes of family sociology: homogamy (similarity in partner traits), (consequences of) divorce and remarriage, gender inequality in education and the labor market. This will be tested by student’s presentation on a specific theme 2. Students are able to formulate the most important advances in a subtheme of family sociology (‘state of the art’), are able to identify the gaps in the literature for further social-scientific research students, and learn to develop innovative, scientifically and societally relevant research question based on the literature review. This will be tested by a written literature review-paper

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