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AISE Blockseminar: Automated Theorem Proving and the TPTP

BS; 2 SWS; Blockveranstaltung 8.7.2022-23.7.2022 Mo-Fr, Sa, Zeit n.V., WIAI - ERBA alle; (Date and place for the first meeting well be be announced shortly.)
Benzmüller, Ch.

AISE Ethics and Epistemology of AI

V/Ü; Präsenz + Online-Anteile; 4 SWS
Benzmüller, Ch.
     Mi12:00 - 16:00WIAI - ERBA alle Benzmüller, Ch.
 ab 20.4.2022, Note: the first meeting takes place on 20.04.2022! We will normally meet in room 04.014 (ERBA). However, the first lecture on 20.4.2022 will be held online: Join Zoom Meeting https://tu-berlin.zoom.us/j/62294566927?pwd=VmlGY0ZtZmM5eEQ4WVBmZVBEL1Z5dz09 Meeting ID: 622 9456 6927 Passcode: 578240

AISE Oberseminar

S/OS; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; Mi, 17:00 - 19:00, WE5/05.003
Benzmüller, Ch.

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