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  PWM-CS-HS2: Computational Social Science II: AI and Democracy

Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungherr

Rein Präsenz
2 SWS, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mo 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/00.07

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow zur Prüfung, NICHT zur Lehrveranstaltung: Dienstag, 02.04.2024, 10:00 Uhr bis Sonntag, 28.04.2024, 23:59 Uhr.

Barrierefreiheit: Wenden Sie sich im Vorfeld der Lehrveranstaltung gern an Katharina Kachelmann (katharina.kachelmann@uni-bamberg.de), wenn Sie Bedarfe im Hinblick auf eine barrierefreie Teilnahme an der Lehrveranstaltung haben.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, it becomes crucial to understand its economic, social, and political implications. The course provides students with a comprehensive and realistic understanding of AI’s impact on democracy and the public arena.

We first establish foundational knowledge about the workings of AI and the foundations and context conditions for its success. We then discuss core issues in AI’s impact on democracy. This includes:

• AI risks and safety,
• AI Governance,
• the future of work,
• AI and the public arena,
• AI in campaigning, and
• AI and autocracies.

The seminar will introduce the history, concepts, theories, and research methods at the intersection of AI and democracy. We will examine the interplay between digitalization, society, and politics, as well as the various investigative approaches used in this field. Relevant topics will be discussed in the context of current international case studies, offering students an in-depth understanding of the complex relationship between AI and democratic processes.

Please address your questions regarding the course to Ms. Katharina Kachelmann (katharina.kachelmann@uni-bamberg.de).

Englischsprachige Informationen:
PWM-CS-HS2: Computational Social Science II: AI and Democracy

Credits: 8

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Digitale Transformation

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