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  Comparative Heritage Politics and the long 20th Century of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe M-FW-DK. NF-V-DK-45.

Dr. Laura Demeter

Rein Präsenz
2 SWS, Unterrichtssprache Deutsch
Zeit und Ort: Do 9:00 - 12:00, LU19/00.13
ab 11.12.2023

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Language Requirements: GERMAN and ENGLISH B1 Level SWS: 30 Hours Attendance: Presence Starting-End Dates: 07.12.2023-07.02.2024

This seminar aims to highlight the impact of various forms of governance in Europe throughout the 20th century, such as authoritarian and totalitarian, on heritage politics. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach and through comparative analysis of various case studies (such as Fascism, Nazi regimes, and Soviet dominance), students will critically examine the historical, political, and cultural dimensions of these regimes and their lasting impact on contemporary European societies. This seminar aims to foster a critical understanding of the ways in which heritage is shaped, manipulated, contested, and used as a tool for political and ideological purposes. Invited experts will contribute to various topics in the field.

• Gain better understanding of the political, cultural, and social landscape of Europe during the 20th century which shaped the field of heritage preservation at local, national, and global levels.
• Develop critical thinking, research, and analytical skills to better understanding of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, heritage politics, and their legacies
• Raise awareness about the implications of heritage politics in shaping discourses on national identity
• Compare various national and international developments and identify potential impact for the present
• Acquire knowledge about various international organizations and governing bodies’ normative framework in heritage protection
• Develop skills that allow a better understanding of the current cultural policies’ gaps and potential for improvement.

1. Reading Assignment (30%): each class 1 paper minimum (max.30 pages). A short synthesis of the main ideas of the paper should be sent by each student prior the lesson. This task is mandatory. The summary and the paper will be discussed in class. A reader with all materials will be made available in advance.
2. Active Participation in the seminar discussion (20%): active participation in the discussion, work in groups, interaction with invited international senior experts, and providing in-class feedback on other students’ presentations.
3. Written assignment (50%) (10 pages, Times New Roman, spaced 1.5) or 20 minutes oral presentation in class. Topic to be discussed individually. Submission date for the written paper the last class, to be sent by e-mail tolaura.demeter@uni-bamberg.de
4. Ethical conduct-- please be aware of the plagiarism policy and intellectual property misconduct: The presentation of another person’s words, ideas, research, images, or data as they were your own, whether intentionally or unintentionally, without indicating the source of provenance constitutes an act of plagiarism. This will be sanctioned in accordance with the institution policies.
5. Students are responsible for the missed work, regardless of the reason for absence.

TRANSFERABLE SKILLS FROM THE SEMINAR: Students who engage with the materials of the module should develop: 1. the ability to carry out assignments in a responsible way, which involves meeting a deadline,
2. the ability to listen and participate constructively in group discussion,
3. the ability to present information, ideas and arguments clearly in both written and spoken form, using visual aids,
4. the ability to evaluate and interpret evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources,
5. the ability to research a topic, making critical use of the resources provided by the University Library and online.

METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH: This Seminar consists of the following methodological elements:
• Sessions in the classroom including lectures, students' presentations, group discussions and group work
• Interaction with invited senior experts
• Working with documents, readings
• Workshops with a focus on group work, self-organizational learning and presentation
• Writing an academic paper (10 pages, TNR 11, linespacing 1.5, language German or English)
• Oral Presentation
• Capacity of synthesis of the main ideas of academic publications


Englischsprachige Informationen:
Comparative Heritage Politics and the long 20th Century of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe M-FW-DK. NF-V-DK-45.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Denkmalpflege - Heritage Sciences

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