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  Investigating morpho-syntactic variation in Oceanic languages

Dr. Stefan Schnell

2 SWS, benoteter Schein
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Studium Generale, Erweiterungsbereich, Modulstudium, Seminar für das Mastermodul 2 "Sprachvariation und Sprachwandel" und das Mastermodul 4 "Sprachwissenschaftliche Methoden" im MA "General Linguistics"
Zeit und Ort: Blockveranstaltung 30.6.2014-4.7.2014 Mo-Fr 13:30 - 17:30, Raum n.V.; Blockveranstaltung 7.7.2014-12.7.2014 Mo-Fr, Sa 9:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
  • Das Seminar ist nur in Kombination mit der Vorlesung "Variationist sociolinguistics" belegbar.
  • Schriftliche Hausarbeit
  • FlexNow-Anmeldung ab dem 01.04.

Workshop summary Oceania is the term used to refer to an area reaching approximately from the island of Papua to Hawai'i, New Zealand, and Rapanui, excluding the continent of Australia. The region is home to a vast number of Oceanic and Papuan languages, which together make up more than a sixth of the world's 6000 languages. Linguistic research in this area has a long tradition dating back to descriptive and classificatory work in the mid 19th century. Based on rich text documentations published in addition to grammars and dictionaries, aspects of discourse structure have for some languages been investigated thoroughly since at least the 1970ies. In more recent times, modern language documentation has made available a trove of spoken language corpora of natural discourse, with accompanying metadata and annotation, that opens up unprecedented possibilities for the study of actual language usage, structural variation, and language change. In this workshop, we will investigate morpho- syntactic variation as attested in spoken language corpora. We will focus on the Oceanic language Vera'a, spoken in North Vanuatu, but resources from other languages will also be considered and made available for participants' own research.
Overview of course content We will begin with an overview of the grammatical structures of the languages of Oceania and the data sources used in the course. We will mainly use spoken language corpora from at least the following languages: (details tba). The most detailed set of annotated data available in this course will be the Vera'a corpus which comprises a variety of text types with detailed morpho-syntactic annotation. Recording and annotation techniques will also be discussed. In the second session, we will turn our attention to theoretical and methodological issues in the corpus-based study of morpho-syntactic variation in language usage. The focus in this course will be on particular aspects of discourse structure, namely those that concern the referential properties of arguments in discourse. Other related topics are welcome as well (Please notify the instructor at least 6 weeks prior to the workshop about topics you would like to be included). The last three sessions will be taken up with three case-studies of morpho-syntactic variation in various languages of the region, based on current data and published studies:
− Argument structure and information packaging in discourse
−Aspects of "topichood" across genres
−Patterns of anaphora in narrative texts
Participants who wish to make a presentation at the end of the Summer School will have the opportunity to discuss data and methodology during the workshop, and in the second week. Literature and dat-sets will be made available for the workshop by May, and participants are expected to prepare themselves prior to the workshop.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 10

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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