Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

S/HS: Fortgeschrittene Themen der Bevölkerungswissenschaft: Sociogenomics



Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
The final grade will be achieved through a term paper at the end of the semester.
Each participant will have to give a presentation on one of the topics of the course (12.12.2014). This also includes a short summary of the presentation at 09.01.2014.

In the past decades genetic research has made several groundbreaking discoveries. Furthermore, thanks to modern methods of analyses and new technologies, today genetic information is broadly available in a wide range of datasets. Based on this data, countless studies were conducted, indicating the ubiquity of genetic influence: Educational success, intelligence, delinquency or family-life, everything seems to be, at least in parts, influenced by genetics. What do these findings mean for the social sciences and how can these findings be integrated in social science research? Which topics in the social sciences need to take the findings of modern genetics into account and which issues can occur if these results are ignored by the social sciences? These and other questions are discussed during the seminar "Sociogenomics".

Institution: Professur für Demografie

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Einzeltermin am 7.11.2014, Einzeltermin am 12.12.2014  9:00 - 18:00  FMA/00.07
Einzeltermin am 9.1.2015  9:00 - 15:00  FMA/00.07
Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler
Tobias Putz
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