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Lebenslauf und soziale Ungleichheit: Inequalities across the life-course

Andreas Weiland, M.Sc.

Rein Präsenz
Studium Generale, Unterrichtssprache Deutsch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 14:00 - 18:00, F21/03.48 (außer Mi 17.5.2023, Mi 7.6.2023, Mi 14.6.2023, Mi 21.6.2023, Mi 28.6.2023, Mi 5.7.2023, Mi 19.7.2023)

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Please submit your course registration via FlexNow by 13.04.2023. Students who have been registered via FlexNow will be assigned to the VC, where you'll have access to all relevant course information and materials.
The course is organized in double sessions on Wednesdays (14:00 - 17:20) across seven weeks (19.04., 26.04., 03.05., 10.05., 24.05., 31.05. + the opportunity to receive individual feedback on your term paper ideas on 12.07.)

The individual faces an array of potential risks and disadvantages across the life-course such as unemployment, sickness, disability, and-old age. Yet, the degree to which differences and inequalities are created, mitigated, or aggravated varies substantially across countries and institutional architecture. In this course we will explore studies on different dimensions of life-course inequalities (health, income, poverty, unemployment, pensions) across institutions of the welfare states and enable students to confidently approach empirical papers.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Life Course and Social Inequality: Inequalities across the life-course

Credits: 5

The individual faces an array of potential risks and disadvantages across the life-course such as unemployment, sickness, disability, and-old age. Yet, the degree to which differences and inequalities are created, mitigated, or aggravated varies substantially across countries and institutional architecture. In this course we will explore studies on different dimensions of life-course inequalities (health, income, poverty, unemployment, pensions) across institutions of the welfare states and enable students to confidently approach empirical papers

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, insbes. Familie und Arbeit

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