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  Lebenslauf und soziale Ungleichheit: Familien und sozialer Wandel [Import]

Dr. Gordey Yastrebov

2 SWS, Englischsprachiges Seminar
Zeit und Ort: Fr 10:00 - 12:00, FMA/00.06; Einzeltermin am 1.7.2019 10:00 - 12:00, F21/03.02; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Die Veranstaltung am 14.06.2019 fällt aus und wird am 01.07.2019 von 10-12 Uhr in F21/03.02 nachgeholt.

In this course, we will talk about family, family processes and family dynamics, and how these are understood within the disciplinary triangle combining sociology, economics and demography. The list of topics to be covered in the course includes (but is not limited to) family and household composition, partnering and union dynamics, childbearing and parenting practices, gender roles and household division of labor, kinship networks and intergenerational ties. We will also talk about the changing meaning of family, its forms, types and dynamics in the context of wider social change, including their differences in the context of cross-national and cross-cultural variety. The course will run as a series of meetings initiated by short lectures followed by in-group discussion of relevant reading material.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 5

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Soziologie I

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