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Soziologie der medialen Kommunikation: Spezielle Strukturen und Prozesse: Medium Data

Dipl.-Soz. Jan Rasmus Riebling

Studium Generale, Modulstudium
Zeit und Ort: Do 14:00 - 16:00, RZ/00.05

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
The seminar is held entirely in English, while the main programming language will be Python. Your final grade will be based on the median of three practical exercises taking place over the course of the semester.

Concepts like "Big Data" and "Data Science" have received considerable attention in recent years both in the world of business as well as among academics. But how well is sociology prepared to deal with new data types and methods, resulting from the rise of digital information and communication technologies? Through practical exercises and critical discourse this seminar tries to show the possibilities of these new data sources, as well as their limitations. Furthermore, it is argued that the social sciences do not (yet) have a Big Data problem, but are suffering from the inability to cope with the currently dominant data structures. This is framed as the problem of “Medium Data”, consisting of data structures which are not too big, but are nonetheless demanding because they are unfamiliar to social scientists. This problem is addressed in the seminar and different practical solutions are discussed. The overall aim is to explore primitive data types, learn to access and construct data bases as well as the basics of web scraping and data mining.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, insbes. Soziologische Theorie

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