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  S: Seminar Incentives and Behavior

Prof. Dr. Florian Herold

Zeit und Ort: Mi 10:15 - 12:00, F21/02.24; Einzeltermin am 20.6.2014, Einzeltermin am 21.6.2014, F21/02.41
ab 23.4.2014

In this seminar we will discuss human behavior and how it is modeled in economics. The objective of this seminar is to develop a game which illustrates and conveys human behavior. After a theoretical introduction, students will study an economic effect in detail and generate a game which they will present in class. Additionally, students should gather data on the behavior of players and evaluate the data with respect to the economic effect. The seminar is held in English.
Topics tentatively include the following:
· Adverse Selection
· Bargaining
· Newsboy Problem
· Democratic Decision Processes
· Behavioral Effects
· Markets and Behavior of Agents
· Other Interesting Economic Topics
· There will be an introduction into scientific working, held by Stefanie Schmitt and Julia Graf, 14th of May 2014, 14:15 h, F21/02.24.
· There will be an introduction into data analysis, held by Stefanie Schmitt and Julia Graf, 21st of May 2014, 14:15 h, F21/02.24.
· A laptop and a projector will be available during the seminar.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbes. Finanzwissenschaft

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