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Englisch: Sprachpraxis C1: Current Events - Discussion and Analysis


Sprachpraktische Ausbildung
Rein Präsenz
Studium Generale, Sprachangebot, Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
An- und Abmeldefristen im FlexNow-Onlinesystem entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Sprachenzentrums.

Die vorherige Teilnahme an einem HaF Placement Test ist zwingend erforderlich.
Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Vorlesungsverzeichnis des Sprachenzentrums unter der Rubrik Sprachnachweis / Einstufungstests.

Participation in a HaF Placement Test is mandatory. Information on this can be found in the course catalog of the Language Center (UnivIS) under the heading Language Certificate / Placement Tests.
If you have any questions about the HaF placement test,
please contact mailto:catherine.irvine(at)uni-bamberg.de for more information.

The portfolio assessment includes:
• leading a 40-minute
• leading a portion of a group discussion portion
• participating actively
reflecting on the experience.

Level: This course is intended for participants who have already achieved an advanced level
of English (C1) and wish to further enhance their skills in a dynamic setting.

Brief Course Description: Immerse yourself in the exploration of current global issues
through the perspective of English-speaking countries in this dynamic course. You will engage
in weekly discussions about selected articles and podcasts, enhancing your ability to both
lead and contribute meaningfully to discussions about international events.

Learning Outcomes: You will:

• analyze and discuss the content of English-language sources.

• assess the credibility and quality of information sources.

• pose insightful questions that foster in-depth discussions.

• provide thoughtful insights during discussions on global events.

• master speaking and productive skills corresponding to the C1 level of the CEFR.

Weekly Activities:
• Weekly discussions of selected articles and podcasts, facilitated by the instructor and students.

Empfohlene Literatur
• A carefully selected collection of articles and podcasts from various English-speaking regions.

• Virtual Campus forums for continued discussion beyond classroom sessions.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
English: practical language training C1: Current Events - Discussion and Analysis

Credits: 3

Institution: Abteilung Englisch

Hinweis für Web-Redakteure:
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Do  12:00 - 14:00  WE5/00.043
Kurs ab 26.4.2024, Achtung: Kurs findet in der 1. VL-Woche online statt. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie von der Dozentin.
Catherine Irvine
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof