Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

English for Academic Purposes (B2)



Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Students will be admitted upon completion of an online placement test before the beginning of the semester which ensures a minimum of B1.

The test can be taken at:
http://sprachtest.cornelsen.de/einstufung/index.aspx, and the results should be submitted to kirsty.weiler@uni-bamberg.de before the first class meeting.

Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
An- und Abmeldefristen im FlexNow-Onlinesystem entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Sprachenzentrums.

This course is suitable for students from all faculties who need to use English in their studies. This course seeks to develop students’ reading skills, to help them become more efficient, critical readers in English, speaking skills for seminar participation and presentations, and listening skills for lectures. There will be some aspects of writing covered, such as how to create good sentences, how to paraphrase and how to write in a suitable style, however those who wish to focus on writing might instead wish to consider the specific writing courses offered by the language centre. We will of course be covering useful academic vocabulary and grammar, which students will have the chance to use in class in discussions and group work.

Students will be admitted upon completion of an online placement test before the beginning of the semester which ensures a minimum of B1: The test can be taken at:

http://sprachtest.cornelsen.de/einstufung/index.aspx and the results should be submitted to kirsty.weiler@uni-bamberg.de before the first class meeting.

Information about sources will be given in the first class. Handouts and scripts can be found on the Virtueller Campus; the password will be given in the first class. Your final grade will be calculated from a mid-term exam and a final in-class exam in week 14.

Empfohlene Literatur
Students should purchase the following book by the second week of the course:

Cambridge Academic English Upper Intermediate Student’s Book
ISBN 9780521165204

Students are not expected to buy the accompanying cd or dvd packs.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 3

Institution: Abteilung Englisch

Hinweis für Web-Redakteure:
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Mo  10:00 - 12:00  WE5/05.004
Kirsty Weiler
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof