Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

Englisch: Vocabulary Skills C1


Studium Generale, fakultätsübergreifende Lehrveranstaltung

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
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Online Placement Test for English HaF courses
To attend English classes, students must take an obligatory online placement test before the beginning of the semester. This helps us to place students in the correct level. The online placement test evaluates grammar, reading, listening and vocabulary. The online placement test must be completed before FlexNow registration closes. Students who do not take the test may not be able to attend English courses this semester.

Please don’t forget to bring a set of headphones with you!

Description of the Placement Test
The online placement test has 12 parts. The first part has 27 questions. The second part contains seven questions, the third part five etc. The questions slowly become harder in the later parts of the test. There are a total of 100 questions in the test. The time limit for the placement test is 60 minutes but students can submit the test earlier if they have finished. Students can return to any part of the test to check their answers at any point before they submit their test.

Test Results
No certificate will be issued for the completion of a placement test. The test cannot be “passed” or “failed”. Instead, after the evaluation of the test, you will receive an email with a score out of 100 and your CEFR level (B1, B2 etc.). When you have the confirmation of your CEFR level, you can register for a course at the correct level.

If you have taken a course, you will not have to take a placement test again.

Results of the test are valid for four semesters.

Additionally, students should register in FlexNow under Englisch: Online Placement Test HaF for one of the following test dates :

1) 24.03.2015 11:00-12:30 WE5/04.014
2) 26.03.2015 12:00-13:30 WE5/04.014
3) 31.03.2015 18:00-19:30 WE5/04.014
4) 07.04.2015 16:00-17:30 WE5/04.014
5) 08.04.2015 10:00-11:30 WE5/02.005
6) 13.04.2015 16:00-17:30 WE5/01.003

If you have any questions about the HaF online placement test, please contact catherine.irvine(at)uni-bamberg.de for more information.

Would you like to be more effective in your communication? Would you like to use a more appropriate range of words in your academic courses? This course is for students who want to broaden their vocabulary in English. We will examine a range of word fields useful in general and academic settings with input coming from reading and listening activities, and will also discuss learning strategies to make you a more effective vocabulary learner. Details about how to obtain credits for this course and the course book will be given in the first class.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 3

Institution: Abteilung Englisch

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Di  8:00 - 10:00  WE5/05.003
Kurs Niveau C1
Kurt Herb
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