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Placement Test for English HaF courses


Sprachpraktische Ausbildung
Rein Online
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Eine Anmeldung in FlexNow Lehrveranstaltungen ist zu nur zu einem der folgenden Termine erforderlich.
Registration in FlexNow (course registration) is only required for one of the following dates.

An-/ und Abmeldung ist bis 3 Tage vor dem tatsächlichem Termin möglich.
Registration and deregistration is possible up to 3 days before the actual date.

Bitte registrieren Sie sich für diesen diagnostischen Test in FlexNow (Lehrveranstaltungen)
Please register for this diagnostic test in FlexNow (Lehrveranstaltungen)

Please check the Sprachenzentrum website under “News” concerning FlexNow registration dates.

The HaF Placement Test is not a substitute or equivalent of the Anglistik Einstufungstest. For details concerning the Anglistik Einstufungstest, please check the Anglistik website under “News”.

To attend HaF English classes, students must take an obligatory placement test at the beginning of the semester. This helps us to place students in the correct course level. The placement test evaluates grammar, reading, listening and vocabulary, and must be completed before FlexNow course registration closes. Students who do not take the test may not be able to attend English courses this semester.

Test Results
No certificate will be issued for the completion of the HaF placement test, nor can the test be “passed” or “failed”; it is purely for diagnostic purposes. You will receive an email with your test results with a score out of 92 and the CEFR level (B1, B2 etc.) you should select for your course(s) . After successfully completing a course in general English, you do not have to take the placement test again.

If you have taken the Anglistik Einstufungstest, you do not have to take this placement test.

The HaF Placement Test will take place ONLINE.
You will receive an email with more information about access to the test when FlexNow registration for the test has closed.

Results of the test are valid for four semesters.

HaF English Placement Test Overview

Thank you for your interest in taking HaF English courses!

To ensure you start your English learning journey on the right foot,
all students planning on attending HaF English courses for the first
time are required to take the HaF English Placement Test at the
beginning of the semester. This test helps us determine the most
suitable course level for you based on your current proficiency in
grammar, reading, listening, and vocabulary.

Taking the Test

The placement test is mandatory and should be completed before the FlexNow course registration deadline.
Failure to take the test may result in the inability to enroll in English courses for the semester.
Please note: the HaF Placement test is not a substitute for nor an equivalent of the Anglistik/Amerikanistik-Einstufungstest.
(This test is MANDATORY for all new students in the fields of English/American Studies or
Bachelor core/optional subject, Master, all teaching degrees,
Vocational Education/Social Pedagogy.)
If you are an Erasmus student
and planning on attending courses at the Institute for English and
American Studies (in literature, linguistics, cultural studies or
TEFL), you should take the Anglistik/Amerikanistik-Einstufungstest!

Test Logistics

The HaF Placement Test is conducted online on the Virtual Campus, and you'll receive an email with instructions on how to access the test after FlexNow registration for your test session has closed.
The test consists of 92 questions covering grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening comprehension.
You'll have 60 minutes to complete the test, but you can submit it earlier if you finish before the time limit.

Understanding Your Results

Upon completion, you will receive an email detailing your test results.
Please note that the HaF placement test is diagnostic and does not result in a pass or fail.

Instead, you'll receive a score out of 92 and a CEFR level recommendation (e.g., B1, B2) for selecting your course(s).
Once you successfully complete a general English course, you won't need to retake the placement test.

You should not choose courses ABOVE the recommended level.

The following table correlates the number of correct points on the HaF placement test with the recommended CEFR level for your HaF English courses:

Number of correct points Recommended CEFR level

0-46 A1/A2

47-63 B1

64-81 B2

82-92 C1

Validity Period

Your test results remain valid for four semesters, providing flexibility in course selection based on your progress and goals.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or need further clarification about the HaF placement test,
don't hesitate to contact Catherine Irvine (catherine.irvine@uni-bamberg.de).

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Placement Test for English HaF courses

Zusätzliche Informationen
Schlagwörter: HaF Placement Test

Institution: Abteilung Englisch

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Einzeltermin am 10.4.2024  12:00 - 14:00  Online-Meeting
Kurs 1. Termin
Catherine Irvine
Einzeltermin am 12.4.2024  10:00 - 12:00  Online-Meeting
Kurs 2. Termin
Catherine Irvine
Einzeltermin am 16.4.2024  10:00 - 12:00  Online-Meeting
Kurs 3. Termin
Catherine Irvine
Einzeltermin am 17.4.2024  8:00 - 10:00  Online-Meeting
Kurs 4. Termin
Catherine Irvine
Einzeltermin am 19.4.2024  10:00 - 12:00  Online-Meeting
Kurs 5. Termin
Catherine Irvine
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