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MOBI-PRS-M: Master Project Mobile Software Systems (ISoSySc)

Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas, Aboubakr Benabbas, M. Sc., Golnaz Elmamooz, M. Sc., Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Schwarz, Simon Steuer, M. Sc.

6 SWS, Registration for the project on the VC will happen after the first meeting using a key
Zeit und Ort: Mi 10:00 - 14:00, WE5/05.018; Mo 10:00 - 12:00, WE5/05.018; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: • First meeting: Wednesday, 26th April 2017 at 10 in the room WE5/04.004 •Weekly meeting: every Wednesday from 10 to 12 in the lab room WE5/05.018.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
• Programming knowledge, especially in JAVA.
• Basics of data management and databases, especially in SQL.
• Interest in developing mobile applications for Android devices.

The Living Lab is an infrastructure for Smart City Research. We plan to deploy multiple sensors and other sensing devices to collect data from the environment. We would like to expand the covered area gradually and cover a large part of the city in the future. Expansion means more challenging tasks like monitoring the status of the sensors deployed. In this project, we study mobility of students within and between university buildings (e.g., ERBA <-> FEKI). We will exploit different methods to measure mobility and analyze the collected data to detect patterns and to recommend improvements, e.g., to the bus service of the Stadtwerke. Since data plays a pivotal role we have to investigate the quality of the collected data and its impact on the processing results. Depending on the number of participants, we might use one or more following technologies:
• WIFI tracking by so-called Flowtrackers®
• People counting and tracking in the ERBA foyer
• Crowdsensing by a mobile app (to be developed within the project)
We plan to correlate the gathered information with the lecture schedules.
Learning targets:
• Design and implement mobility studies
• Analyze sensor data with data quality issues
• Learn to develop mobile applications for Android devices

Zusätzliche Informationen
www: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=23508

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Informatik, insbesondere Mobile Softwaresysteme

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