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  Urban experiences: cultural space and its transformation in Middle Eastern Societies, 16th century to the present [Import]

Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost

Rein Präsenz
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Erweiterungsbereich, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 18:15 - 19:45, SP17/00.13

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
MA CSME Module Theories and Methods II - Workshop (exam: presentation and seminar paper)
Participation in "Theories and Methods I" in the winter semester

Based on the preparatory work in the last semester, we will continue organizing a workshop in July on ‘urban experiences’ from the early modern period to the present.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Urban experiences: cultural space and its transformation in Middle Eastern Societies, 16th century to the present

Credits: 5

Beseeching or trying to manipulate the supernatural in order to heal mental and physical sickness, avert calamities, ensure success, gain love, solve difficulties or learn about the hidden cause of various troubles has always been a traditional part of Middle Eastern culture and social life. Various divinatory and healing practices have a long history, sometimes going back to though their interpretation has constantly changed over history. Sometimes perceived as an intergral part of religion and ritual life, sometimes condemned as magic and/or blasphemy. This course studies the various practices and associated believes by the different religious communities of the Middle East. After giving a concise historical review, we will study contemporary approaches for spiritual healing and divination and analyze how these are viewed and utilized in different cultural, regional and political contexts as well as how they reflect the complex social interaction between different (and seemingly mutually exclusive) religious traditions.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 8

Institution: Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien / Centre for Interreligious Studies der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (ZIS)

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