Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

Didaktik der Englischen Sprache und Literatur

S: Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning (C)

Michelle Zirkel
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4
Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, U5/02.22
Einzeltermin am 16.11.2022, 14:00 - 16:00, Online-Meeting
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Für dieses Seminar verpflichtend ist eine der Übungen "Introduction to Englisch Language Teaching and Learning".

1. Modulzugehörigkeit:
Lehramt GS, MS, RS, GY: Basismodul
BEd Berufliche Bildung: Basismodul
Bachelor BWL/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Basismodul

2. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen:
keine; Studierende im ersten Fachsemester können nur in Ausnahmefällen berücksichtigt werden.

3. Anmeldung:
über FlexNow
vom 01.09.22, 12:00 Uhr bis 14.10.22, 11:59 Uhr

Bitte beachten: Mehrfachanmeldung für Parallelkurse führt zum Verlust des Platzanspruchs!

4. Leistungsnachweis:

5. Note:
Students must also take part in one of the tutorial groups (Übung "Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning").

The aim of this course is to introduce basic concepts and principles of English language teaching and to discuss them in the light of practical application and classroom procedure. The course includes a discussion of the following: theories of language learning and acquisition, approaches and methods in ELT, teaching vocabulary / grammar / the skills / literature, the principles of lesson planning, error analysis, and assessment procedures in the classroom.
Please note: The attendance of the additional Übung Academic Writing in TEFL is strongly recommended, as it aims to support students in acquiring general academic skills and in completing their portfolios. Please register via FlexNow if you would like to attend.

1. You should not register for more than one parallel course. This can lead to you being excluded. This does not apply to the waiting list.
2. Not attending the first session of the course can lead to you being excluded.
3. Erasmus/foreign students cannot be guaranteed a place in this seminar. These students must arrange a personal appointment with the lecturer during the last week of the semester break.
4. Preference will be given to students in higher semesters, and it is strongly recommended that students in their first semester do not attend this course.
5. You must register for and take part in a tutorial group (Übung "Introduction to English Language Learning and Teaching").

S: Teaching English to Beginners and in Primary School

Lena Meyer
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4
Einzeltermin am 14.1.2023, Einzeltermin am 15.1.2023, Einzeltermin am 28.1.2023, Einzeltermin am 29.1.2023, 10:00 - 17:00, U5/02.22
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Modulzugehörigkeit:
Lehramt GS, MS, RS, GY: Vertiefungsmodul
Lehramt RS: Zusatzmodul
BEd Berufliche Bildung: Vertiefungsmodul
MEd Berufliche Bildung: Zusatzmodul
Bachelor BWL: Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Aufbaumodul-Bachelor
Master Wirtschaftspädagogik/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Aufbaumodul-Master
Master Wirtschaftspädagogik: Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Vertiefungsmodul

2. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen:
abgeschlossenes englischdidaktisches Basismodul

3. Anmeldung:
über FlexNow
vom 01.09.22, 12:00 Uhr bis 14.10.22, 11:59 Uhr

4. Leistungsnachweis:
The seminar aims to explore different approaches, concepts and methods of holistic and learner-oriented language teaching in the context of teaching English at primary schools and to beginners. To encourage young learners and beginners to explore and use the target language requires integrated and authentic learning opportunities. The course focuses on a discussion of: managing classroom processes to cultivate an immersive language teaching approach, usage of authentic media in the primary EFL classroom to foster intercultural learning; role of the teacher as that of encourager, motivator and language model; teaching of groups with mixed class levels; and the transition from primary to secondary school.

Ü: TEFL Research Seminar

Theresa Summer
Übung, 2 SWS
Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, LU19/00.09
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This seminar is divided into three parts:
1) Seminar & research meeting for the ELT Survey with students and international partners: 26.09.2022 (13:00-15:00) & 27.09.2022 (9:00-12:00)
2) Seminar cooperation (Blockseminar) with the University of Wuerzburg (Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann): 7.10.2022 (12:00-18:00) & 8.10.2022 (10:00-14:00) (a separate plan will be provided)
3) Seminar in Bamberg: 23.11.2022 (16:15-17:45), 30.11.2022 (16:15-17:45), 01.02.2023 (16:15-17:45), 08.02.2023 (16:15-17:45)
This research seminar aims to provide a forum for exploring central aspects of TEFL research. Advanced students and PhD students are given the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects (e.g. Zulassungsarbeiten, PhD theses). In addition, we will explore TEFL research methodologies in an international context. The final objective of this seminar is to investigate current trends in TEFL by identifying key goals of current conferences and symposia, discussing new publications, and to examine current research projects at a local and global scale.

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