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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften >> Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik >>

Englische und Amerikanische Literaturwissenschaft


Anmeldung für Mobility Term für Joint Degree

Freya Wurm
Einzeltermin am 16.10.2013, Einzeltermin am 17.10.2013, 19:00 - 21:00, U5/02.23


Bamberg University English Drama Group: Theatre Workshop A

Rebecca Huber
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2, Studium Generale
Mo, 20:00 - 22:00, U7/01.05
Einzeltermin am 10.1.2014, 12:00 - 20:00, U2/00.25
Einzeltermin am 12.1.2014, 10:00 - 14:00, U7/01.05
Einzeltermin am 18.1.2014, Einzeltermin am 19.1.2014, 10:00 - 18:00, U7/01.05
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module:
  • Bachelor Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Studium Generale (up to 2 ECTS)
For beginners and beyond: The Theatre Workshop is an introduction to the study of creative process that allows students to unlock their creative potential, express their individuality, and enhance their personal and professional lives. Students strengthen their presence and confidence in front of others, improve their oral skills and get the chance to dive into the world of theatre and acting. At the end of the semester, there will be a small performance.

For questions please contact Rebecca Huber: rebecca-ceri.huber(AT)stud.uni-bamberg.de


Betreuungsübung Englische Literaturwissenschaft

Kerstin-Anja Münderlein
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Mi, 20:00 - 22:00, U11/00.16
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Modulzuordnung und Zugangsvoraussetzungen:

  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (nur HF mit BA-Arbeit): Vertiefungsmodul Literaturwissenschaft: Betreuungsübung (2 ECTS), Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft
  • BA Medieval Studies: Intensivierungsmodul Anglistik/Amerikanistik (2 ECTS), wenn die BA-Arbeit in Literaturwissenschaft geschrieben wird; Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Anglistik
  • MA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Forschungsmodul (5 ECTS), wenn die MA-Arbeit in Literaturwissenschaft geschrieben wird
  • MA Medieval Studies: Intensivierungsmodul Anglistik/Amerikanistik (2 ECTS), wenn die MA-Arbeit in Literaturwissenschaft geschrieben wird; Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Anglistik
  • alle alten Studiengänge: Übung Literaturwissenschaft (begleitend zur Magister- oder Zulassungsarbeit)
  • Joint Degree: Free Electives (2 ECTS), wenn die MA-Arbeit in Literaturwissenschaft geschrieben wird

Voraussetzungen zur Schein- bzw. Punktevergabe:
regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme, in den BA- und MA-Studiengängen (nicht Joint Degree): mündliche Modulteilprüfung
This course is addressed at students who are preparing or working at a final thesis in English or American Literature, be it a "Magisterarbeit", "Zulassungsarbeit", "BA-Arbeit" or Master's thesis. It is supposed to offer continuous support to students while preparing or writing their theses, and to give them the opportunity to present and discuss their work with other students. The course consists of plenary and individual sessions. A definite schedule will be set up in the first meeting of the class. There will be a site on the Virtual Campus; access will be given upon registration.

In the plenary sessions, we shall discuss general formal aspects and criteria of a thesis - such as possible topics, structure, suitable theoretical approaches. Participants will present (parts of) their thesis, offering it for discussion and feedback. The individual sessions consist of one-to-one tutorials in which you can discuss the argument, the progress and possible problems of your thesis with me. For students in the BA, MA and new teacher training programmes, who write their thesis in literary studies, this course provides the "Betreuungsübung". The presentation of the thesis in a plenary session (max. 30 minutes) will be graded and counts as "mündliche Modulteilprüfung" in the BA-programme. Students in the Magister- and old teacher training programmes are advised to take this course to support them while writing their theses. Depending on the native tongue of the participants, the course will be given in English or German.

The course will be taught every two weeks, with individual meetings in the weeks where we will have no common session.


Blocktermine Englische Literaturwissenschaft

Christoph Houswitschka, Johannes Weber
Einzeltermin am 8.11.2013, 14:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 9.11.2013, 10:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 22.11.2013, 14:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 23.11.2013, 10:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 31.1.2014, 14:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 1.2.2014, 10:00 - 18:00, U9/01.11


Welcome Event Joint Degree

Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, Christoph Houswitschka
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
Einzeltermin am 7.10.2013, 17:00 - 21:00, U9/01.11


Media Session Amerikanistik "The Empire Strikes Back"

Nicole K. Konopka
Vertiefungsseminar, 2 SWS
Di, 20:15 - 23:00, U5/00.24
Mi, 20:00 - 23:00, U5/00.24
The Media Session is designed as an extension of those classes of the American Department that work with movies. However, we encourage all students to attend the movie sessions, because we show American classics as well as classics inspired by America.

The up-to-date program can be viewed in the VC course "Schwarzes Brett Amerikanistik". This semester we will focus on movies that represent marginalized voices. Thus the title of this term's Media Session: The Empire Strikes Back.

Please contact Judith Rauscher via Email (judith.rauscher(at)uni-bamberg.de) for the necessary password.

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