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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Fakultät Humanwissenschaften >> Institut für Psychologie >> Bachelor-Studiengang >>



Kolloquium zum Seminar "Gruppentherapie (Gruppe B)" (BS-relevant) [Kolloq. Gruppen B]

Claudia Huber
Kolloquium, 1 SWS, Für TeilnehmerInnen des Seminars "Gruppentherapie";
Do, 14:00 - 15:00, M3N/03.29
Erster Termin nach Absprache im Seminar. Weitere Termine ggf. als Blockveranstaltung.


An Introduction to Political Psychology (WPM Sozialpsychologie)

Oliver Lauenstein
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, M3/-1.13
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
As the seminar will be held in English, respective language skills are necessary. Basic knowledge of social psychology is strongly recommended, but not required.
As a simple viewing of any news programme will attest to, our lives are profoundly political, whether that is dealing with local electoral campaings or international conflict. Even if we are not actively engaged in politics ourselves, they still pose a major aspect of our everyday social contexts. As social psychologists, we might wonder when and how 'the political' affects individuals psychologically. In this seminar, we will engage with some of the basic principles as well as particular theories and topics within the field of political psychology, working our way towards answering this question. Throughout the semester, we will cover matters of individual or group attitudes generally and political leadership, voting behaviour, nationalism, terrorism/conflict, protest and reconciliation in particular. Our main ressource will be original articles, which we will discuss critically and transfer to our contemporary, everyday enviroment, hoping to apply what we learned as we go along.
Empfohlene Literatur:
The seminar will predominantly be drawing on original articles, which will be provided throughout the course of the semester. For a more detailled engagement with the subject, the following two textbooks are recommended:
  • Cottam, M.L., Dietz-Uhler, B. & Mastors, E. (2010). Introduction to Political Psychology. Psychology Press: London.

  • Sidanius, J. & Jost, J.T. (2004). Political Psychology: Key Readings. Psychology Press: London.

Both of which are available via the Teilbereichsbibliothek II.

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