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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Fakultät Humanwissenschaften >> Institut für Psychologie >> Master-Studiengang >> Fachübergreifende Module >>



Advanced Methods in Health Psychology Using multilevel modeling in Mplus to analyze longitudinal designs and other forms of nested data structures [Advanced Methods in Health Psychology]

Emmanuel Kuntsche
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, Auch für DoktorandInnen geeignet
Einzeltermin am 27.10.2016, 9:00 - 18:00, MG2/01.09
Weitere Termine (Videokonferenzen) werden in der Veranstaltung festgelegt.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The seminar takes place in two parts: There is an on-site training in Bamberg (Oct. 27th); then each student will resolve a problem presented to them and the solution will be discussed in depth in an online seminar with Dr. Kuntsche later during the semester.
In health psychology, researchers are often confronted with nested data structures, which is the case, for example, in diary studies when daily or situational assessments are nested within individuals, or in survey research, when students are nested within classrooms or faculties within schools or universities or when employees are nested within departments or working groups with companies or organizations. Moreover, these school, universities, companies, and organizations themselves are clustered within regions, countries, and continents. The present workshop will provide an introduction in the characteristics of nested data structures and their properties. It will deal with ways to describe the magnitude of nesting. Innovative statistical techniques such as multilevel modeling and latent growth curves will be presented and trained in respect how to deal with and analyze nested data structures.
The first part of the workshop aims to provide an overview of typical research questions and different approaches in respect to nested data. The second part will focus on different approaches how to analyze nested data. Practical examples of how to use a given statistical technique based on data provided by the lecturer will serve to apply the presented theoretical knowledge in practice.

Although the workshop will deal with higher statistics the requirement to follow the workshop are pretty basic, i.e. participants should have some basic knowledge of regression and factor analysis. (However, even these techniques will be briefly explained during the workshop.)
Still, since we will work with Mplus, being already familiar with this statistical software will help to smoothly follow the workshop.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Therefore, in the coming weeks before the workshop will take place, the following preparation work can be helpful:
1. Read the attached document about nested data structures
2. Read in the online Users' Guide the Please have also a look at the output, input and data files of example 3.1: http://www.statmodel.com/usersguide/chapter3.shtml
Do not panic if you do not understand everything in these chapters. The purpose should simply be that you are familiar with the program and understand the basic concept and syntax rules.
Please be aware that the better you are prepared the more you will profit from the workshop!!

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