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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Zentrale und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen >> Sprachenzentrum >> Englisch >> Englisch Fachsprachen >>

IT Englisch (für Studierende der WIAI)


IT English - Debating Legal Issues

Sprachpraktische Ausbildung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Studium Generale
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Studium in WIAI, BWL, IBWL, EuWI,
English language skills level B2 minimum

Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
An- und Abmeldefristen im FlexNow-Onlinesystem entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Sprachenzentrums.

Achtung: Alle IT Englisch Kurse beginnen im Wintersemester erst ab der 2. Vorlesungswoche
Are you a student in WIAI or BWL who needs or wants to have credits in English? Here is your chance to learn about legal issues relevant to IT and business while improving your English skills.

Course goals:
Students will be able to effectively and persuasively speak and write about legal issues pertinent to IT today, especially regarding privacy concerns and intellectual property. This will be demonstrated by giving an opinion and urging a course of action.

Students will be admitted primarily, but not exclusively from bachelors and masters degree programs of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences. Students from other degree programs interested in the subject area are welcome, too. A minimum B2 level of English language proficiency is recommended.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Guidelines for persuasive speaking and writing can be found in the Virtual Campus.
General legal background: --Brian Craig: Cyberlaw, The Law of the Internet and Information Technology,Pearson Education, Inc., 2013 --Daniel Solove: Nothing to Hide: the false tradeoff between privacy and security, Yale University Press, 2011

Di8:00 - 10:00n.V. Watson, D.
Mi12:00 - 14:00n.V. Watson, D.

IT English - Security

Sprachpraktische Ausbildung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Studium Generale
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Studium in WIAI, BWL, IBWL, EuWI,

English language skills level B2 minimum

Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

An- und Abmeldefristen im FlexNow-Onlinesystem entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Sprachenzentrums.

Achtung: Alle IT Englisch Kurse beginnen im Wintersemester erst ab der 2. Vorlesungswoche
Are you a student in WIAI or BWL who needs or wants to have credits in English? This course offers an opportunity to improve your English skills while learning about IT security issues important for every individual, business and government.

Course goals:
1) Students will develop and enhance their ability to report succinctly, both in spoken and in written form. This will be demonstrated by effective summaries, comparisons and descriptions of aspects of IT security, both technical and non-technical.

2) Students will gain an overview of the principles of a security management system as well as increase their knowledge and awareness of cybercrimes and countermeasures.

Students will be admitted primarily, but not exclusively from bachelors and masters degree programs of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences. Students from other degree programs interested in the subject area are welcome, too. A minimum B2 level of English language proficiency is recommended.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Guidelines for reports can be found in the Virtual Campus.

General technical background: --Ross Anderson: Security Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2008: 2nd ed. --Shon Harris: Mike Meyer s Certification Passport CISSP, McGraw-Hill, 2002 --Bruce Schneier: Secrets and Lies. Digital Security in a Networked World. John Wiley & Sons, 2004

Mi14:00 - 16:00n.V. Watson, D.

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