Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften >> Institut für Orientalistik >>
Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Beyond borders: Exploring English as a lingua franca
S/Ü; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 6; Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, LU19/00.09, (außer Mi 13.11.2024); Einzeltermin am 13.11.2024, 14:00 - 16:00, LU19/00.13; For students taking this course as a "Seminar", the methodological basics are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics". Depending on the degree course and module for which you intend to take this seminar, this may be obligatory or recommended. Make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Beuter, K.
Building the language: English morphology and lexicology
S; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Do, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/02.18; The methodological basics of the seminar are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized, obligatory block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics", so make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Knappe, G.
Fueling language education: What learner corpora can teach us about second language acquisition
S/Ü; Rein Präsenz; ECTS: 6; Mo, 16:00 - 18:00, OK8/02.04; For students taking this course as a "Seminar", the methodological basics are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics". Depending on the degree course and module for which you intend to take this seminar, this may be obligatory or recommended. Make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Bracke, L.
Introduction to Formal Languages: Applications and Philosophical Questions
V; Rein Präsenz; Di, 14:00 - 16:00, U2/01.33
Jonas, S.
Vestrucci, A.
Language and Beyond: Philosophy, Computer Science, Linguistics
PS/HS; Rein Präsenz; Di, 16:00 - 18:00, U2/02.04
Jonas, S.
Vestrucci, A.
Media Linguistics
S/Ü; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 6; Di, 14:00 - 16:00, OK8/02.04; Einzeltermin am 11.1.2025, 10:00 - 14:00, U5/02.23; For students taking this course as a "Seminar", the methodological basics are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics". Depending on the degree course and module for which you intend to take this seminar, this may be obligatory or recommended. Make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Werner, V.
S; Präsenz + Online-Anteile; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, SP17/00.13
Dogan, M.
Postcolonial Englishes
S; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Di, 10:00 - 12:00, OK8/01.26, (außer Di 3.12.2024); Einzeltermin am 3.12.2024, 10:00 - 12:00, OK8/02.04; The methodological basics of the seminar are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized, obligatory block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics", so make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Werner, V.
Presentation Skills (C1)
Ü; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; *Credit Points: 3 or 4 depending on your course of study. Please refer to your Module Handbook for more details.*
| | Mi | 14:00 - 16:00 | WE5/02.008 |
Murphy, L. |
Recent change in English grammar: Before and after the arrival of ChatGPT
S; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Mo, 10:15 - 11:45, MG1/02.06; The methodological basics of the seminar are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized, obligatory block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics", so make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Schlüter, J.
Research colloquium
K; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Colloquium for the Research Module (Modul 5, 8 ECTS) for MA General Linguistics; Mi, 16:15 - 17:45, SP17/01.05
Schreiber, L.
Research methods in Linguistics
S; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Do, 14:15 - 15:45, SP17/02.19
Schreiber, L.
Societal multilingualism
S; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 8; Di, 10:15 - 11:45, SP17/02.19
Schreiber, L.
The Roots of English
V; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5; Di, 14:15 - 15:45, U5/02.22
Knappe, G.
TU; Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, SP17/02.19
Writing and Presenting Academic Papers in English (C1)
Ü; Rein Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 3; fakultätsübergreifende Lehrveranstaltung
| | Einzeltermin am 22.11.2024, Einzeltermin am 29.11.2024, Einzeltermin am 6.12.2024, Einzeltermin am 20.12.2024 | 9:00 - 16:00 | WE5/04.076 |
Irvine, C. |
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