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American Literature I (Colonial Era - Romanticism)

Prof. Dr. Christine Gerhardt

Rein Online
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Studium Generale, Gender und Diversität
Zeit: Mo 16:00 - 18:00
Gespeicherte Informationen: Zeit: Mo 16:00 - 18:00

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Module Allocation:

All modules including an obligatory or optional lecture (Vorlesung) for 2 or 4 ECTS in literary studies:
  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik
  • Erweiterungsbereich English and American Studies
  • Lehramt GS/HS/MS/RS/GY
  • MA English and American Studies
  • MA Berufliche Bildung
  • MA WiPäd
  • Studium Generale (not BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik!)

>> Open for Consolidation Module literary studies (LECTURE)!

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:
  • active participation
  • only Consolidation module: oral exam (see website for more information: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/amerikanistik/studium/consolidation-module-ma/)
  • only Studium Generale: written test on pass/fail basis (options: 2 ECTS=45 minutes; 4 ECTS= 90 minutes)
  • only Erasmus/exchange students: graded written test (options: 2 ECTS=45 minutes; 4 ECTS= 90 minutes)

3. FlexNow-Registration:
  • Course (de)enrollment: March 1st – May 1st, 2021
  • ECTS (de)registration: June 1st – July 1st, 2021

Students enrolled for this class will be registered in the VC class by the instructor in the first week of the semester!

Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik/studium/informationen-zu-flexnow/*

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung der Lehrveranstaltung fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.

This lecture provides an overview of America's literary history, focusing on the colonial era, the enlightenment, and romanticism.

The thematic, formal and stylistic features of a wide range of texts—sermons, travelogues, poems, essays, short stories, and novels—will be discussed in the broader context of America's cultural and intellectual history. In order to understand how different groups of Americans have imagined their culture at specific moments in time, we will analyze texts that address the diversity of American experiences in terms of religion, race, class, gender, region, and political conviction. We will also explore how texts from different genres have critically engaged with the past and with other cultures, charting new directions for the relationship between literature and culture.

Overall, we will interrogate to which degree processes of modernization and the ideal of democratization can be understood as American literature's driving forces.

The syllabus will be available on the Virtual Campus.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
American Literature I (Colonial Era - Romanticism)

Credits: 4

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 120

Institution: Professur für Amerikanistik

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