Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

Postcolonial Englishes

PD Dr. Valentin Werner, Akad. Rat a.Z.

Rein Online
Zeit: Di 10:00 - 12:00, Online-Meeting; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: The methodological basics of the seminar are introduced in the 3rd and 4th weeks of term in a separately organized, obligatory block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics", so make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.
Gespeicherte Informationen: Zeit: Di 10:00 - 12:00, OK8/02.04

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Modules:
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA GY: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Master Module English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Profile Module English Linguistics I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Consolidation Module English Linguistics I-IV: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer MA: Master Module or Profile Module I or III English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Seminar (8 ECTS)

2. Registration and Deregistration:
Registration via FlexNow from 22 March 2021, 10:00h, to 15 April 2021, 23:59h.
Deregistration via FlexNow from 22 March 2021, 10:00h, to 30 April 2021, 23:59h.

A limited number of places will be reserved for visiting students, students who have changed universities and students who need this class urgently as they are approaching the end of their studies. If the seminar is overbooked, the teacher will decide which students will be accepted.

3. Requirements for successful completion of the course:
4 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation with handout
5/6/8 ECTS in MA English and American Studies Consolidation Module English Linguistics I/II/III: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + oral exam
5 ECTS in other programmes or modules: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + assignment of 2500-3500 words
6 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3000-4000 words
8 ECTS BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik Vertiefungsmodul: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3500-4500 words
8 ECTS in other programmes or modules, and visiting students: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 4500-6000 words

4. Language of instruction:

5. Combination with "Methods and Theories in Linguistics":
In the 3rd and 4th weeks of term, all students are expected to take part in a special introduction to research methods entitled "Methods and Theories in Linguistics": https://univis.uni-bamberg.de/prg?search=lectures&show=llong&nosubchap&id=21374102&sem=2021s&codeset=utf8 (unless they have already participated in this course in an earlier semester). Thus, these participants are required to reserve the following times and dates: Monday, 26 April 2021, 8-10 am, Thursday, 6 May 2021, 8-10 am, and Friday, 7 May 2021, 8-11 am. To enable pre-planning, please register for the course in FlexNow and in the Virtual Campus course by 22 April at the latest: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=45719

This seminar involves a detailed overview of World Englishes, with a focus on postcolonial varieties of English. It will address reasons why English has spread around the globe, which historical and linguistic processes have been involved and what the eventual outcome of these developments - that is, the various Englishes - presently looks like from a structural and sociolinguistic point of view. In addition to different models of World Englishes and more general features of language contact, standard vs. non-standard varieties and language politics, issues such as convergence and divergence of these varieties, globalization and nativization, English as a lingua franca and attitudes towards English will be discussed.

Empfohlene Literatur
Nelson, Cecil L., Zoya G. Proshina & Daniel R. Davis, eds. 2020. The Handbook of World Englishes. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119147282
Schneider, Edgar W. 2019. English around the World. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Schreier, Daniel, Marianne Hundt & Edgar W. Schneider, eds. 2020. The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108349406

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Postcolonial Englishes

Credits: 8

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte

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