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  How to assess gender constructs: Developing a questionnaire and assessing the quality of the items

Prof. Dr. Ilka Wolter

Rein Präsenz
Gender und Diversität, Unterrichtssprache Deutsch, Das Seminar wird für den Master-Studiengang Psychologie, Pflichtmodul Diagnostik Vertiefung, Anwendungsfelder der Diagnostik und Intervention sowie Theorien und Modelle der Diagnostik angeboten.
Zeit und Ort: Do 12:00 - 14:00, M3/00.16

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Please note that the lecture begins a week later, on October 26th, 2023. For any further updates on the lecture, please enroll in the VC course.

In this seminar we will focus on issues related to the assessment of gender-related constructs such as gender role orientation, gender role self-concept, gender identity, or gender stereotypes. First, we will define constructs and characterize their correlation according to empirical studies. We will then focus on the implicit and explicit measurement of gender constructs from both a theoretical and practical perspective. In this seminar we will develop questionnaires on this topic and collect data to illustrate the analyses needed to assess the quality of questionnaires.

Students will be asked to actively participate in the discussion of the topics covered in this seminar and to prepare parts of a session in more detail. In addition, students will be asked to actively participate in the development of questionnaires and to collect some data on them. The language of instruction will be English, but the questionnaires will be developed in German. If you are not fluent in German, we will be happy to find alternatives to involve you actively in this particular part of the course.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
How to assess gender constructs: Developing a questionnaire and assessing the quality of the items

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Bildungsforschung mit dem Schwerpunkt Entwicklung und Lernen

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