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From research to practice: Evidence-based psychotherapy of mental disorders

Prof. Dr. Sabine Steins-Löber

Rein Online
Zeit: Di 12:00 - 14:00, M3N/03.29
Gespeicherte Informationen: Zeit: Di 12:00 - 14:00, M3N/03.29

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
*Dieses Seminar wird ausschließlich online stattfinden.*

Das Seminar richtet sich an folgenden Studiengang:
  • M.Sc. Psychologie: Modulgruppe Klinische Wissenschaften/WPM Evidenzbasierte Psychologische Psychotherapie: Sem. Ausgewählte Themen aus dem Bereich Psychotherapieforschung

  • Das Seminar wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden.

Die Anmeldung für Bachelor-/Master-Studierende der Psychologie erfolgt über den VC-Kurs "Seminaranmeldung für die Studiengänge der Psychologie".

From research to practice: Evidence-based psychotherapy of mental disorders
(Forschungsorientierte Vertiefung der Therapie psychischer Störungen)

This course is dedicated to enhance the understanding of psychotherapeutic research to enhance the efficacy of treatment interventions for mental disorders. We start by reflecting the state-of-the-art interventions of several mental disorders and advance to current research programs aiming at the development of more effective interventions. We focus on mental disorders characterized by enhanced salience attribution to disorder-specific cues and an impairment of inhibitory control in response to conditioned cues like alcohol-dependence, gaming disorder, buying-shopping disorder, binge-eating disorder, and anorexia nervosa. As these are the main areas of research at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, insight in past, current and planned future projects is provided including the design of research projects, the assessment and analysis of data and the process of publishing the results. Students planning to write their master thesis in the field of clinical psychology are encouraged to visit this course as ideas for own projects can also be developed and discussed.

Empfohlene Literatur
Wittchen, H.-U. & Hoyer, J. (Hrsg.) (2011). Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie. Berlin: Springer, 2. Auflage, Kapitel 30: Entwicklung und Beurteilung therapeutischer Interventionen, S. 609 ff.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
From research to practice: Evidence-based psychotherapy of mental disorders

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

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