Lyriklesung und Diskussion mit Eugene Ostashevsky (Berlin/New York) aus The Feeling Sonnets (2022, New York Review Books) (in englischer und deutscher Sprache)Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft Dienstag, 3.12.2024: 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr; U2/01.30Mehrsprachige Lesung aus seinem Lyrikband The Feeling Sonnets (New York Review Books, 2022) mit Gespräch. Moderation: Christian Zehnder
Lyn Hejinian über The Feeling Sonnets:
“Feelings proliferate in The Feeling Sonnets, and first among them is the feeling that we have to ask what we mean by feeling. It is to feel his way toward an answer to that primary question that the brilliant poet Eugene Ostashevsky has written this collection of vivacious, witty, and anguished poems. As the poems unfold, language gets caught up in proliferative play. The poet flounders through fields of feeling, one felt word spilling out of another, one spelt word spelling another. Feeling moves from one cultural or linguistic context to another, doubling and redoubling the potential for meaning and the potency of meaning’s prolific uncertainty and occasional absurdity. And extending through the linguistic microsystem of vowels and consonants that shift meanings from place and place (and even nation to nation) is the exquisite sensibility of a poet, erudite, humble, and closely watching over those he loves. This is an extraordinary and beautiful book.”