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Gastvortrag: Linda Bree: Jane Austen - Between Manuscript and Print

Dienstag, 22.11.2011: 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr; U5/024

Shortly after Jane Austen’s death in 1817 her brother boasted of her writings that ‘Everything came finished from her pen’; yet recent scholars have argued that, on the contrary, Austen was reliant on professional publishers to shape the language, grammar and spelling of her work. Nothing remains of the manuscripts that lie behind Jane Austen’s six published novels, except for the few pages that she rejected in favour of the published ending of her last completed novel, Persuasion. But a number of manuscripts do exist for novels that she either left incomplete or, in one case, chose not to publish. Close examination of these sheds new light on Austen’s writing habits and her family’s re-sponse to them, and tests the truth of her own famous statement about ‘The little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush as produces little effect after much labour.’

Kontakt: Jansohn, Christa
Zentrum für Studien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Politik Großbritanniens (CBS)

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