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IPID4all-Workshop "Persuasive Presentation Skills"

Veranstalter: TRAc - Trimberg Research Academy

Freitag, 12.10.2018: 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr; WE5/05.005

The goal of this presentation workshop is to give academics the skills to get their message across in a compelling and confident manner. Most participants in our workshops are non-native speakers of English and have to present their work at international conferences. Our workshops focus on a powerful presentation structure, phrases and vocabulary to engage the audience, clear pronunciation and confident body language.
Target Group: native and non-native English speaking PhD students and post docs
Trainer: Lesley-Anne Weiling, Write English
Registration: via e-mail to ipid4all.trac@uni-bamberg.de

Kontakt: Treiber, Simone
Trimberg Research Academy - TRAc
Telefon 3071, E-Mail: ipid4all.trac@uni-bamberg.de

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