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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften >> Bereich Soziologie >>

Professur für Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt längsschnittliche Bildungsforschung


Aktuelle Befunde zu Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Ungleichheit: Analysing the National Educational Panel Study (Part II) Kopie

Corinna Kleinert
Forschungspraktikum, 2 SWS
montags von 14 - 18 Uhr am 27.4., 11.5., 25.5., 8.6., 29.6., 6.7. und 20.7. - Raum n.V.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Für die Anmeldung ist die Teilnahme des Forschungspraktikums "Analysing the National Educational Panel Study (Part I)" erforderlich.


Aktuelle Befunde zu Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Ungleichheit: Social Inequalities in the Use of Family Policies (Soziale Ungleichheit in der Nutzung familienpolitischer Leistungen)

Gundula Zoch
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. The preliminary meeting will take place on April 22, 2020 from 17 - 18 pm digital (further information via VC). All further dates will be planned afterwards. Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 über FlexNow zu der Veranstaltung an. Personen, die in FlexNow angemeldet sind, werden in den VC eingetragen. Die Vorbesprechung findet am 22.4.2020 von 17 - 18 Uhr digital statt (weitere Infos per VC). Alle weiteren Termine werden im Anschluss geplant.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Sprache: Englisch (Deutsch bei ausschließlich deutschsprachigen TeilnehmerInnen)
Prüfung: Portfolio (ebenfalls Englisch)

Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. They will then receive information about this course via the VC after April 17. If you have problems with the registration in Flexnow, please contact the chair’s assistant Ms. Bartram via E-Mail: stephanie.bartram@lifbi.de (You may also write this email in German). Please include information on your program and details on the perceived problem(s) with the registration procedure.

Course Organisation
The course is organised as follows: The students first work on the theoretical and empirical texts independently - as usual. For this purpose, they receive additional help, tasks, and instructions via the Virtual Campus (e.g. leading questions or smaller work assignments). These smaller tasks are evaluated and together form the assessment (portfolio). Online meetings with the seminar group, but also in smaller working groups with the lecturer, will provide mutual exchange and feedback by the lecturer on the work assignments. To facilitate dialogue and to form smaller working groups, all work assignments must be completed in English (this does not apply if all seminar participants speak German). There will be additional support for English writing. Future dates for the online-meetings will be decided depending on the number of seminar participants.


Bildung und Arbeit im Lebensverlauf: Social Inequalities in the Use of Family Policies (Soziale Ungleichheit in der Nutzung familienpolitischer Leistungen)

Gundula Zoch
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. The preliminary meeting will take place on April 22, 2020 from 17 - 18 pm digital (further information via VC). All further dates will be planned afterwards. Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 über FlexNow zu der Veranstaltung an. Personen, die in FlexNow angemeldet sind, werden in den VC eingetragen. Die Vorbesprechung findet am 22.4.2020 von 17 - 18 Uhr digital statt (weitere Infos per VC). Alle weiteren Termine werden im Anschluss geplant.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Sprache: Englisch (Deutsch bei ausschließlich deutschsprachigen TeilnehmerInnen)
Prüfung: Portfolio (ebenfalls Englisch)

Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. They will then receive information about this course via the VC after April 17. If you have problems with the registration in Flexnow, please contact the chair’s assistant Ms. Bartram via E-Mail: stephanie.bartram@lifbi.de (You may also write this email in German). Please include information on your program and details on the perceived problem(s) with the registration procedure.

Course Organisation
The course is organised as follows: The students first work on the theoretical and empirical texts independently - as usual. For this purpose, they receive additional help, tasks, and instructions via the Virtual Campus (e.g. leading questions or smaller work assignments). These smaller tasks are evaluated and together form the assessment (portfolio). Online meetings with the seminar group, but also in smaller working groups with the lecturer, will provide mutual exchange and feedback by the lecturer on the work assignments. To facilitate dialogue and to form smaller working groups, all work assignments must be completed in English (this does not apply if all seminar participants speak German). There will be additional support for English writing. Future dates for the online-meetings will be decided depending on the number of seminar participants.


Kolloquium für Doktoranden

Corinna Kleinert
Kolloquium, 1 SWS
Teilnahme nur nach Anmeldung bei der Dozentin; Do, 12:30 - 14:00, Raum n.V.;


Ungleichheit und Sozialstruktur: Social Inequalities in the Use of Family Policies (Soziale Ungleichheit in der Nutzung familienpolitischer Leistungen)

Gundula Zoch
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. The preliminary meeting will take place on April 22, 2020 from 17 - 18 pm digital (further information via VC). All further dates will be planned afterwards. Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 über FlexNow zu der Veranstaltung an. Personen, die in FlexNow angemeldet sind, werden in den VC eingetragen. Die Vorbesprechung findet am 22.4.2020 von 17 - 18 Uhr digital statt (weitere Infos per VC). Alle weiteren Termine werden im Anschluss geplant.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Sprache: Englisch (Deutsch bei ausschließlich deutschsprachigen TeilnehmerInnen)
Prüfung: Portfolio (ebenfalls Englisch)

Please register for the course via FlexNow until April 17, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. They will then receive information about this course via the VC after April 17. If you have problems with the registration in Flexnow, please contact the chair’s assistant Ms. Bartram via E-Mail: stephanie.bartram@lifbi.de (You may also write this email in German). Please include information on your program and details on the perceived problem(s) with the registration procedure.

Course Organisation
The course is organised as follows: The students first work on the theoretical and empirical texts independently - as usual. For this purpose, they receive additional help, tasks, and instructions via the Virtual Campus (e.g. leading questions or smaller work assignments). These smaller tasks are evaluated and together form the assessment (portfolio). Online meetings with the seminar group, but also in smaller working groups with the lecturer, will provide mutual exchange and feedback by the lecturer on the work assignments. To facilitate dialogue and to form smaller working groups, all work assignments must be completed in English (this does not apply if all seminar participants speak German). There will be additional support for English writing. Future dates for the online-meetings will be decided depending on the number of seminar participants.

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