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Einführungsveranstaltungen der Anglistik/Amerikanistik für Studienanfänger im WS 2019/2020

Manfred Krug, Christoph Houswitschka, Christa Jansohn, Christine Gerhardt, Pascal Fischer
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
Zeit/Ort n.V.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Informationen zu den Einführungsveranstaltungen der Anglistik finden Sie auf der Anglistik-Website: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik/news/artikel/termine-der-eet-im-wintersemester-2019-20/


English Linguistics Research Seminar

Manfred Krug
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Do, 8:30 - 10:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 28.11.2019, 8:30 - 9:55, U5/02.22
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anmeldung über FlexNow vom 23.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 17.10.2019, 23:59 Uhr.
Abmeldung über FlexNow vom 23.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 30.10.2019, 23:59 Uhr.

Modul: BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Übung (Betreuungsübung zur BA-Arbeit, 2 ECTS)
Modul: MA English and American Studies (ONLY IF MASTER'S THESIS IS WRITTEN IN LINGUISTICS): Profile Module English Linguistics, Übung (2 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Übung (2 ECTS)

Anforderung für den Erhalt eines Scheins:
Project/conference/book report
This seminar is designed for advanced students. One aim is to provide a forum for the preparation and discussion of projects such as BA theses, Master s theses, Staatsarbeiten and PhD projects. We will thus discuss empirical and methodological issues relevant to such studies. Secondly, there will be hands-on presentations of the new research facilities for English linguist(ic)s at Bamberg University, the focus being on the variety of newly acquired English text collections. A third goal is to discuss current trends in linguistics, which will involve discussion of recent and forthcoming publications as well as conference and book reports. Where appropriate, additional meetings with individual subgroups of the class will be offered.


Wissenschaftliche Betreuungsübung für Promovierende, Master- und Lehramtsstudierende

Manfred Krug
Übung, 1 SWS
Do, 10:00 - 11:00, U9/01.01
Die Übung ist gekoppelt an das Seminar English Linguistics Research Seminar. Die Präsentationen, die in diesem Seminar gehalten werden, werden hier vor- und nachbereitet.


Introduction to English Linguistics

Manfred Krug
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis
Di, 12:15 - 14:00, MG1/00.04
Einzeltermin am 4.2.2020, 12:00 - 14:00, U5/01.22
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anmeldung über FlexNow vom 23.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 17.10.2019, 23:59 Uhr.
Abmeldung über FlexNow vom 23.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 30.10.2019, 23:59 Uhr.

Anzuschaffender Text: Script Krug. 2013ff. Introduction to Linguistics (wird in der ersten Sitzung zur Verfügung gestellt)
Anforderungen: Regelmäßige Lektüre, Bearbeitung von Übungsblättern, Teilnahme an Tutorat und Workshops, Abschlussklausur.
This course is designed to introduce beginning students to the central terms and topics in current (English) linguistics. While the focus will be on present-day English, many modern irregularities (such as the differences between spelling and pronunciation or irregular verbs) can be explained in historical terms. We will therefore occasionally digress into the history of the English language in order to better understand the present. Topics to be dealt with include phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax and sociolinguistics. One class will also be devoted to the major contrasts between English and German. In order to equip students with the basic analytical skills that are essential for future linguists and teachers alike, part of the course especially the accompanying tutorials and workshops will be practical in nature. We will therefore analyse authentic modern English texts from a linguistic point of view.


Language Change

Manfred Krug
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8
Di, 10:00 - 11:30, U9/01.11
In the second week of term, all students are expected to take part in an introduction to research methods (unless they have already participated in the Übung "Methods and Theories in Linguistics"). Thus, these participants are required to reserve the following times and dates: Mon, 21 October 2019, 8–12 h OR 14–18 h AND Thu, 24 October 2019, 10–14 h OR Fri, 25 October 2019, 10–14 h. To coordinate course dates and times, please register for the following Virtual Campus course by Thu, 17 October 2019 at the latest and take part in the survey you will find there: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=35977. You will receive notice of the time slots you have been allotted on Fri, 18 October 2019.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Modules:
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA GY: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA GY: Wahlpflichtmodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft bei Kombination mit dem Fach Russisch: Seminar (6 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Master Module English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Profile Module English Linguistics I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Consolidation Module English Linguistics I-IV: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer MA: Master Module or Profile Module I or III English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Seminar (max. 8 ECTS)

2. Registration and Deregistration:
Registration via FlexNow from 23 September 2019, 10:00h, to 17 October 2019, 23:59h.
Deregistration via FlexNow from 23 September 2019, 10:00h, to 30 October 2019, 23:59h.

A limited number of places will be reserved for visiting students, students who have changed universities and students who need this class urgently as they are approaching the end of their studies. If the seminar is overbooked, the teacher will decide which students will be accepted.

3. Requirements for successful completion of the course:
4 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation with handout
5/6/8 ECTS in MA English and American Studies Consolidation Module English Linguistics I/II/III: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + oral exam
5 ECTS in other programmes or modules: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + assignment of 2500-3500 words
6 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3000-4000 words
8 ECTS BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik Vertiefungsmodul: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3500-4500 words
8 ECTS in other programmes or modules, and visiting students: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 4500-6000 words

4. Language of instruction:
Although the focus of this seminar will naturally be on the English language, we will explore recurrent patterns in the evolution of other languages, too. We will look at most core domains of linguistics, i.e. phonology, semantics, syntax, morphology and discourse-pragmatics. In the process, we will treat cognitive and social motivations for change. Topics to be discussed include the GOING-TO future as well as related future constructions in the Romance or other languages. Students attending this seminar must be willing to do regular reading assignments and give a short presentation (including a handout, prepared in co-operation with another student).
Empfohlene Literatur:
Recommended reading:
Aitchison, Jean. 42012. Language change: Progress or decay? Cambridge: CUP.


Phonology of English: Theory and practice

Djibril Silue, Manfred Krug
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8
Einzeltermin am 19.10.2019, 9:00 - 17:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 25.10.2019, 14:00 - 18:30, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 26.10.2019, 9:00 - 17:00, U9/01.11
In the second week of term, all students are expected to take part in an introduction to research methods (unless they have already participated in the Übung "Methods and Theories in Linguistics"). Thus, these participants are required to reserve the following times and dates: Mon, 21 October 2019, 8–12 h OR 14–18 h AND Thu, 24 October 2019, 10–14 h OR Fri, 25 October 2019, 10–14 h. To coordinate course dates and times, please register for the following Virtual Campus course by Thu, 17 October 2019 at the latest and take part in the survey you will find there: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=35977. You will receive notice of the time slots you have been allotted on Fri, 18 October 2019.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Modules:
LA GY: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA GY: Wahlpflichtmodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft bei Kombination mit dem Fach Russisch: Seminar (6 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Master Module English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Profile Module English Linguistics I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Consolidation Module English Linguistics I-IV: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer MA: Master Module or Profile Module I or III English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Seminar (max. 8 ECTS)

2. Registration and Deregistration:
Registration via FlexNow from 23 September 2019, 10:00h, to 17 October 2019, 23:59h.
Deregistration via FlexNow from 23 September 2019, 10:00h, to 30 October 2019, 23:59h.

A limited number of places will be reserved for visiting students, students who have changed universities and students who need this class urgently as they are approaching the end of their studies. If the seminar is overbooked, the teacher will decide which students will be accepted.

3. Requirements for successful completion of the course:
4 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation with handout
5/6/8 ECTS in MA English and American Studies Consolidation Module English Linguistics I/II/III: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + oral exam
5 ECTS in other programmes or modules: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + assignment of 2500-3500 words
6 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3000-4000 words

8 ECTS in other programmes or modules, and visiting students: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 4500-6000 words

4. Prerequisite of the course:
The course requires students to have a sound knowledge of articulatory phonetics aswell as the ability to give a complete phonetic description of speech sounds in English.

5. Language of instruction:
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of analysis in phonology. It aims at acquainting students with the principles and method of phonological analysis in English. It has a threefold objective: to describe, analyze and formalize phonological processes in Present-Day English as well as in prior stages of the language (OE, ME, ModE).

1. The description will consist in identifying and explaining any process induced by the combination of sounds and forms in English (aspiration, assimilation, morphophonological processes, etc.). It is a well-known fact that sounds behave differently and are affected by change when they are combined with other sounds. Students will be familiarized with some sound combinatory processes in English (nasalization, palatalization, velarization,etc.) and phonetic transcription (broad and narrow).

2. The analysis of the phonological process will take the form of feature notation to represent phonemes, which implies that each segment should be analyzed down to its smallest components based on the feature matrices of English. This will give a clear picture of interactions inside and between segments' features.

3. Formalization consists in using simplified feature notation to characterize general phonological processes in English. Students will learn to describe any phonological process that they can observe in English and in other languages.

The course will also address issues related to: The quantitative focus of phonetics and the qualitative focus of phonology
  • The syllable structure and the phonotactic constraints in English
  • Derivation accounting for syllabification of words in English
  • The stress patterns in English, etc.
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • Chomsky, Noam & Morris Halle. (1968). The Sound Pattern of English. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Hayes, Bruce. (2008). Introductory phonology. Blackwell
  • Roach, Peter. (1983). English Phonetics and Phonology. London: Arnold.
  • McMahon, April. (2002). An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh U Press.
  • Maddieson, Ian. (1984). Patterns of sounds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ogden, David. (2005). Introducing phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roca, Iggy & Wyn Johnson. (1999). A Course in Phonology. Oxford:Blackwell.
  • Katamba, Francis. (1989). Introduction to Phonology. Longman.


Workshop zu "Introduction to English Linguistics A"

Ann-Charlott Stegbauer, Manfred Krug
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 19.1.2020, 10:00 - 16:00, U7/01.05
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anmeldung über FlexNow vom 29.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 10.01.2020, 23:59 Uhr.
Abmeldung über FlexNow vom 29.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 10.01.2020, 23:59 Uhr.


Workshop zu "Introduction to English Linguistics B"

Ann-Charlott Stegbauer, Manfred Krug
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 26.1.2020, 10:00 - 16:00, U7/01.05
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anmeldung über FlexNow vom 29.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 10.01.2020, 23:59 Uhr.
Abmeldung über FlexNow vom 29.09.2019, 10:00 Uhr bis zum 10.01.2020, 23:59 Uhr.

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