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  Media Session "Body Switch"

Lorena Bickert, Dr. Nicole K. Konopka

Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

Zeit und Ort: Mo 20:00 - 22:30, U5/00.24; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: First session: October 21st!

The Media Session is designed as an extension of those classes of the American Studies Section that work with movies. However, we encourage all students to attend the movie sessions, because we show American classics as well as classics inspired by America.

What would you do if you woke up in a different body one day? This question has long fascinated filmmakers and writers alike. This semester we will explore the intriguing theme of body switching in American film. We will embark on a journey through the decades of US movie history and join the body switchers on their journey of self-discovery. Our movie selection starts as early as 1931 and will take us all the way to the present, making evident the everlasting temptation of this literal out-of-body experience.

Please send an email to the instructor if you are interested in the program!

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