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  Media Session "The Wild West on the Big Screen"

Dr. Nicole K. Konopka

Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Erste Sitzung: 15. Oktober 2018
Zeit und Ort: jede 2. Woche Mo 20:00 - 22:30, U5/00.24

The Media Session is designed as an extension of those classes of the American Studies Section that work with movies. However, we encourage all students to attend the movie sessions, because we show American classics as well as classics inspired by America.

This semester we will focus on the representation of the Wild West in movies from the US and Canada, as well as movies about the US and Canada. The program will include examples from the early times of cinema, as well as more conventional and contemporary Hollywood blockbusters.

Please send an email to the instructor if you are interested in the program!

Institution: Professur für Amerikanistik

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