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  Introduction to English and American Literary Studies (B)

Dr. Nicole K. Konopka

Rein Präsenz
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Studium Generale, Gender und Diversität, Kultur und Bildung, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Modulstudium, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Di 16:00 - 18:00, U5/00.24 (außer Di 22.10.2024, Di 5.11.2024); Einzeltermin am 22.10.2024 16:00 - 18:00, U2/00.25; Einzeltermin am 5.11.2024 19:00 - 23:00, Raum n.V.; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Die Sitzung am 5. November wird durch die Election Night im Audimax ersetzt.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Module Allocation:

All degrees requiring an introductory seminar for their basic module in literary studies for 6 or 8 ECTS (Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft):
  • BA Anglistik-Amerikanistik / BA Berufliche Bildung / BA Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien/Medieval Studies
  • BSc. BWL
  • MA WiPäd

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:
  • 6 ECTS: active participation in the seminar, course tutorial, library tutorial, final written exam
  • 8 ECTS (module exam): active participation in the seminar, course tutorial, library tutorial, final written exam (see additional information below!)

The following applies ONLY to students whose Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft contains BOTH the Introduction to Literary Studies and a lecture (see module handbook):

As of now, the final written exam of this Introduction to Literary Studies is also the module exam for the Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft. The exam will contain questions about both the content of the Introduction and the lecture (free choice: English or American Literature lecture). Students, therefore, are advised to take the introductory class either after attending the lecture OR in the same semester.

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: October 08-18, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams registration: January 13-27, 2025 (opens at 10 a.m.; closes at 11:59 p.m.) - de-registration is possible until midnight before the final exam!

Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

WICHTIG: Es stehen diverse Parallelkurse zur Verfügung. Den Termin A finden Sie in Flexnow bei der Englischen Literaturwissenschaft, den Termin B bei der Amerikanistik. Bitte entscheiden Sie sich frühzeitig für EINEN Termin!

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung des Seminars fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.

This course provides a concise introduction to major themes and methods in the study of English and American literature with a focus on American literature.

We will discuss key features of the main literary genres poetry, prose fiction, and drama, explore selected approaches in literary theory and criticism as a basis for analyzing and interpreting literary texts, and survey the main periods and developments of American literary history. The focus, however, will be on the discussion of textual examples from these various vantage points. The goal of this course is to enable you to articulate up-to-date readings of texts from different genres, in their cultural contexts, informed by key theories and analytical methods.

Please note that all Introductions to English and American Literary Studies prepare students for the analysis and interpretation of both English and American literature. The only difference is that the Introduction taught by members of the English Literature section uses literary examples from a primarily British context, and the one taught by members of the American Studies section uses primarily American examples. Choosing one or the other Introduction does not mean that you "specialize" in English or American literature, and you don't have to take your later courses in the same area.

Empfohlene Literatur
Michael Meyer. English and American Literature. 4th ed. UTB Basic. Tübingen: Francke, 2010. (or a newer edition; Ebook welcome!)

All other readings will be provided via the VC!

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Introduction to English and American Literary Studies (B)

Credits: 6

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 40

Institution: Professur für Amerikanistik

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