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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften >> Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik >> Lehrstuhl für Englische Literaturwissenschaft >>

  “Where modesty’s ill manners”: English Restoration Comedy

Touhid Chowdhury, M.A.

Rein Online
Studium Generale
Zeit: Di 18:00 - 20:00; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: All participants registered via FlexNow will be added to the VC course (see link "online") before the course begins. The link to Microsoft Teams will be published on the VC. If you join the course after the first session, please contact the lecturer.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Module Allocation:
1.1 Seminar
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft / freie Erweiterung: Seminar 6 ECTS
Ergänzungsmodul Literaturwissenschaft: Seminar max. 6 ECTS
BA Berufliche Bildung: Basis/Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft: Seminar 6 ECTS
LA GS/HS/MS/RS: Basis/Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft (b): Seminar 6 ECTS
LA GY: Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft: Seminar 6 ECTS
M.Sc. WiPäd: Aufbaumodul Fachwissenschaft: Seminar 6 ECTS

NOT open for Consolidation Module
Open for Ergänzungsmodul Literature

(De)Registration in FlexNow: 07.09.2020, 10:00 - 15.11.2020, 23:59

English Restoration Comedy, also known as ‘comedy of manners’, covers a historical period between 1660 and 1710. Restoration period followed an era of puritanical role in England that banned any types of public performances at the theatre. The playhouses and theatres were re-opened by Charles II, the newly restored King of England. This new freedom and re-opening of theatres after a ban of 18 years during the Puritan role gave birth to a ‘rakish’ style of theatre that was witty, satirical, bawdy, clever, uproarious and socially diverse. While many critics considered the plays from this period as highly immoral, artificial or just plain old-fashioned, the social satire they offer makes for fascinating analysis.

In this course, we are going to analyze and interpret plays from both historical and social context of Restoration period. In-class discussion will take a critical look at typical motifs and concepts in Restoration Comedy, as well as on the courtly politics, class relations and the divisions between London and country life of the late 17th century England. To do so, students must read the plays listed below by the beginning of the semester.

Empfohlene Literatur
The following plays must have been read by the beginning of the semester

William Wycherley. The Country Wife (1675).
George Etherege. Man of Mode (1676).
Aphra Behn. The Rover (1677).
John Vanbrugh. The Provoked Wife (1697).
William Congreve. The Way of the World (1700).
George Farquhar. The Beaux Stratagem (1707).

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 6

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15

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