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  Practical uses of corpora in the advanced language classroom

Prof. Dr. Julia Schlüter

0,5 SWS
Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermin am 7.1.2020 16:15 - 18:30, Raum n.V.; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: ERBA WE5/01.017

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This workshop is offered to any teachers from the Sprachenzentrum who are looking for ways to enrich their classes with authentic language material, to confirm (or adjust) their intuition with recourse to objective facts of usage and to enable students to develop their own text production skills, language awareness and autonomy in handling linguistic questions. Insights based on corpora (large digital text collections) have been incorporated in modern dictionaries, grammars, textbooks and teaching materials. For language teachers and learners, many corpora are no more than a click away.

In this session, led by Prof. Dr. Julia Schlüter of the Chair of English Linguistics, we will explore the potential of corpora applied to advanced practical English language courses. Participants will carry out their own corpus queries focusing on selected topics from the areas of vocabulary, grammar, register and varieties of English.

Teachers of languages other than English are very welcome, however the corpus tools used in the workshop are English-based.

Applications will include:
  • uses of corpora for planning lessons
  • classroom activities drawn from naturally occurring current language samples
  • using corpus tools in student-centred learning
  • collecting information on issues of disputed usage

Registrations: David Bull david.bull@uni-bamberg.de

Since this is a practical workshop, participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops or other web-enabled devices. In preparation for the workshop, please create your own (free) login at https://www.english-corpora.org/profile_new.asp?n=y. When on campus or logged into the campus network via a VPN connection, you have enhanced access to the corpora through our university licence.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte

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