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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften >>

  Shakespeare and the German Book Market in the 19th Century

Prof. Dr. Christa Jansohn

Rein Präsenz
2 SWS, An-/Abmeldung über FlexNow: 15.03.2022 (10:00 Uhr) bis 29.04.2022 (23:59 Uhr); An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung über FlexNow: 20.06.2022 (10:00 Uhr) bis 15.07.2022 (23:59 Uhr)
Zeit und Ort: Do 14:00 - 16:00, LU19/00.11

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen/Conditions of participation:

B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Abgeschlossenes Aufbaumodul Britische und Amerikanische Kulturwissenschaft

Modulzugehörigkeit/Module applicability:

B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Kulturwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS), Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Kulturwissenschaft
B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik (bis einschließl. Studienbeginn zum WS 2008/09): freie Erweiterung: Seminar (6 ECTS)
M.A. English and American Studies: Master Module English and American Culture: Seminar (8 ECTS)
Profile Module English and American Culture I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer M.A.: Exportmodul Anglistik/Amerikanistik 1 oder 2: Mastermodul
Kulturwissenschaft (Variante I): Seminar (8 ECTS)
Exportmodul Anglistik/Amerikanistik 2: Mastermodul Kulturwissenschaft (Variante II): Seminar (6 ECTS)
M.A. Literatur und Medien: Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturtheorie, Erweiterung Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturtheorie
LA (alt) alle, Diplom, Magister: Hauptseminar Kulturwissenschaft, Zugangsvoraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung oder Hauptseminaraufnahmeprüfung
Joint Degree: Compulsory Subjects and Restricted Electives: Mastermodul Cultural Studies
Restricted Electives: Profilmodul Cultural Studies

Further information on the term paper can be obtained from this address: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/britcult/leistungen/studium/.

The story of Shakespeare’s advancement to the ranks of a classic and a national poet in 18th and 19th-century Germany has often been told, though mostly in the context of a continuous fight for the ‘true’ Shakespeare against the various distortions of the original by translators and adaptors.

It is rather rare in discussions of the genesis of the literary appropriation of Shakespeare in Germany that other, more immediately concerned agents (the producers, artists, translators, distributors) as well as political, social and economic factors are taken into account. Unfortunately, all too little is known about many of the publishers and printers involved in the process of literary mediators: how long did they exist, where were their centres of activity and what were their priorities? It is only in the case of some particularly large and influential publishing houses that, on the basis of sales catalogues, of the correspondence with authors, translators and book illustrators, of reviews and other documents, we are in a position to form a clearer idea of Shakespeare on the German book-market. In our seminar I would like to discuss this with reference to the particular case of the influential as well controversial figure of Carl Joseph Meyer, Georg Reimer, Gebr. Schumann and Friedrich Gotthelf Baumgärtner and his son Julius Alexander Baumgärtner.

Empfohlene Literatur
All texts will be provided as PDF-files.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Shakespeare and the German Book Market in the 19th Century

Credits: 8

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Britische Kultur

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