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  Writing a sketch grammar: West-Armenian

Dr. Stefan Schnell

2 SWS, benoteter Schein
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Studium Generale, Seminar für das Mastermodul 4 "Sprachwissenschaftliche Methoden" im MA "General Linguistics" und die Mastermodule PLing 3 "Language documentation and analysis" sowie PLing4 "Fieldwork" im Elite-MA "Cultural Studies of the Middle East"
Zeit und Ort: Di 8:15 - 9:45, SP17/00.13; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Beginn in der zweiten Semesterwoche am 23.10.2018

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
  • The lecture will be in English.
  • FlexNow-Anmeldung ab dem 01.10.

  • im Mastermodul 4 gilt eine benotete schriftliche Hausarbeit (Umfang nach Absprache) als Leistungsnachweis
  • in den Mastermodulen PLing 3 und PLing 4 gelten ein Portfolio (mind. drei schriftliche Aufgaben im Umfang von je 3 Seiten) oder eine schriftliche Hausarbeit (mind. 10 Seiten) als Leistungsnachweis

A complete, thorough documentation of a language (variety) traditionally comprises a collection of texts (understood here as a collection of annotated recordings of linguistic performance, whether spoken and/or written), a dictionary (or lexical database) and a grammar, thus forming the Boasian triad.

This course deals with the descriptive (grammaticographic) component of language documentation. It covers more general aspects of grammar writing, including questions about what to include in a grammar, how to structure a description (macro- and microstructure), the choice between the analytic and the synthetic perspective, and questions pertaining to the empirical basis of a grammar (corpus data, acceptability judgments, etc). We will also discuss the specific purpose of a grammar sketch within a documentation project, and how the descriptive process interacts with procedures of data collection. More practically, participants will learn to develop a clear descriptive style of presentation, including the embedding of illustrative examples and the explication of linguistic analyses.

Empfohlene Literatur
Suggested readings:
Ameka, Felix, Alan Dench, and Nicholas Evans (eds.). 2006. Catching language. The standing challenge of grammar writing. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Evans, Nicholas. 2008. Review of “J. Gippert, N. P. Himmelmann, and U. Mosel (eds.). Essentials of language documentation, 1 – 30. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter”. Language Documentation & Conservation 2.2, 340 – 350.
Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2006. Language documentation: what is it and what is it good for? In J. Gippert, N. P. Himmelmann, and U. Mosel (eds.). Essentials of language documentation, 1 – 30. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Mosel, Ulrike. 2006a. Sketch grammar. In J. Gippert, N. P. Himmelmann, and U. Mosel (eds.). Essentials of language documentation, 301 – 309. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Mosel, Ulrike. 2006b. Grammaticography: the art and craft of writing grammars. In Ameka et al (eds.).

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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