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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften >> Institut für Politikwissenschaft >> Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Politische Theorie >>

  PWB-PT-VS: Computational Simulation for the Social Sciences

Daniel Mayerhoffer, Jan Schulz, M. Sc.

Rein Präsenz
Zeit und Ort: Do 16:00 - 18:00, F21/03.02

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Das Sommersemester 2022 wird ein Präsenzsemester sein, das bedeutet: Ihr Studium findet in Bamberg vor Ort statt. Wir freuen uns und Sie sich hoffentlich auch!

An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow zur Prüfung, NICHT zur Lehrveranstaltung:
Montag, 04.04., 10:00 Uhr bis Sonntag, 08.05., 23:59 Uhr

Anmeldung technisch nicht möglich:
Falls das SoSe 2022 Ihr erstes Semester an der Uni Bamberg ist und Sie deswegen noch keine Zugangsdaten haben, um sich in FlexNow anzumelden oder das Anmeldefenster bereits geschlossen sein sollte, so kontaktieren Sie das Sekretariat

Hybrid Seminar Mode
Given the still extraordinary circumstances, the lecturers are committed to minimising infection risks and retaining as much flexibility for students to choose a learning mode that fits their current individual needs and resources while allowing for fruitful discussions where they are most beneficial.

Seminar discussions will take place in-person in F21/03.02 and streamed live on-demand. In a flipped-classroom approach, some input sessions will be replaced by short videos for asynchronous learning at home.

Hands-On Approach to the Term Paper

Each student will pick one of the foundational social simulation models in the first session. They will evaluate this model in light of the above themes as the course progresses. With this, participants can apply the course concepts directly to develop skills for future encounters with models.
Specifically, the term paper builds on three short texts (approx. 1.5-2.5 pages each) to be written during the term/at the end of each block. After each block, there will be a presentation session dedicated to graded short presentations (5-minute presentations per student) to facilitate mutual feedback. At the end of the term, students are expected to compose a term paper from the revised versions of the short papers.
Students looking to acquire 8 ECTS points (Vertiefungsseminar Politikwissenschaft) will include an additional short text on how to inform specific policies by the model results in their term paper.

  • Bitte abonnieren Sie politikwissenschaft-liste.sowi@uni-bamberg.de über die Seite iam.uni-bamberg.de (und dort dann "Verteilergruppen Eigene Mitgliedschaften").
  • Schreiben Sie sich außerdem (nach Möglichkeit mit Ihrer Studierenden-E-Mail-Adresse) im VC ein und melden Sie sich im Kurs „Politikwissenschaft studieren in Bamberg“ an.

General Information

Contemporary social sciences are primarily model-based. Thanks to recent advances in computational power, these models can be simulated even on personal computers. Hence, literacy in computer simulation tools is vital for anyone in economics or political science - in academia, government bodies, NGOs, or business. To equip students with this literacy, we explore several foundational simulation models, contextualise, and critically evaluate them. The seminar is structured according to three broad themes:
1. Building blocks of models: micro - meso – macro
2. Complexity: heterogeneity and interaction
3. Philosophy of the Social Sciences: answers to generalised critiques of models, and specific calibration and validation challenges

Major Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to …
… explain the necessity to open black boxes to explain emergent social phenomena.
… identify and contextualise the relevant model assumptions and idealisations for simulation.
… characterise computer simulation as a key method in contemporary social sciences and economics.
… present their informed stance on how social simulation models can be internally and externally validated as informative about the real world.

Empfohlene Literatur
Essential Readings:
Rodrik, D. (2015). Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science. WW Norton & Company.
Gilbert, N. and Troitzsch, K. (2005). Simulation for the Social Scientist, McGraw-Hill Education.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Computational Simulation for the Social Sciences

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

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