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  Proseminar zur Politischen Soziologie-Labour Migration

Caroline Schultz, M. Sc.

Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/00.08

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Depending on which version of the Modulhandbuch applies to you, You can register for this course under Seminar or Proseminar.

This seminar explores the topic of labour migration from an interdisciplinary social science perspective. Its aim is to introduce students to fundamental theoretical concepts, empiricalresearch and debates in the analysis of international labour migration and labour immigration policy. Labour migration constitutes a large part of global migration. Migration for the purpose of work can be beneficial for migrants themselves as well as countries of destination and countries of origin.It can improve migrants earnings and boost the destination country s economy. The country of origin can benefit from migration via financial remittances sent to relatives back home , knowledge transfer or fostering of trade networks. However, more scepticalaccounts of the effects of labour migration emphasize the potential exploitation of migrant workers as well as increased labour market competition for native workers or net costs of migration for the welfare state. In addition to looking into theoreticaland empirical research on the determinants and consequences of labour migration, topics covered in the seminar include labour market integration of refugees, the impact of policies on integration outcomes and attitudes on labour immigration.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Politische Soziologie

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