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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften >> Bereich Politikwissenschaft >> Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft >>

  HS: Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft II: Institutional Design and Institutional Change in Western Democracies

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sieberer

Zeit und Ort: Di 10:00 - 12:00, F21/02.18

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Time and room Tuesday, 10:00 – 12:00 in F21/02.18
First session April 12, 2016
Registration in FlexNow! 1.4.2016 – 18.4.2016 (Deregistration until 25.4.2016)
Prerequisites: For MA Political Science: none
For other degree programs: Vorlesung (BA) Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft and Proseminar (BA), Seminar (BA), or Vertiefungsseminar (BA) in the field Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft
Language: The seminar (including presentations and term papers) is conducted in English.
Grading: Oral presentation (25%) und term paper (75%)
Credit points 8 ECTS

Contents and Goals:
Over the last two decades, a broad new institutionalist literature in comparative politics and political economy has demonstrated that political institutions critically affect political behavior, political processes, and policy outputs. Most studies conceptualize institutions as stable and exogenous constraints on actor behavior, i.e. as independent variables explaining behavior and outputs. More recently, however, scholars have turned increased attention to the question of how institutions are designed and changed, i.e. treat institutions as a dependent variable.

This seminar covers this literature in order to understand why political institutions change over time. Theoretically, we discuss rational choice institutionalism and historical institutionalism as alternative but often complementary perspectives. Methodologically, the seminar focuses particularly on the question of compatibility of different theoretical approaches, the balance of general and case-specific explanations, limited data availability, and the advantages and disadvantages of large-n and small-n research designs. Empirically, it covers changes in the electoral system, the organization of parliaments and the executive branch, federalism, and direct democracy with a geographic focus on European democracies.

Empfohlene Literatur
Introductory readings:
Shepsle, Kenneth A. 2006. "Old Questions and New Answers about Institutions. The Riker Objection Revisited." in: Barry Weingast/Donald Wittman (Hg.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1031-1049. [institutional change from the view of rational choice institutionalism]. • Pierson, Paul. 2004. Politics in Time. History, Institutions, and Social Analysis. Princeton: Princeton University Press, esp. Ch. 4+5. [institutional change from the view of historical institutionalism]. • Benoit, Kenneth. 2007. "Electoral Laws as Political Consequences. Explaining the Origins and Change of Electoral Institutions." Annual Review of Political Science 10: 363-390. [overview of approaches to studying institutional change with regard to a specific set of institutions]. A detailed list of readings will be distributed in the first session.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 8

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Institution: Professur für Empirische Politikwissenschaft

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