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  Fortgeschrittene Themen Familie: Research Methods in Demography

Zafer Büyükkececi, M.A.

2,00 SWS, Bitte über FlexNow und VC anmelden. Das Seminar findet auf Englisch statt!
Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 16:00, RZ/00.06

This course deals with core concepts, measures and models that demographers use to understand population dynamics including general methods such as standardization and smoothing. Specifically, the course deals with techniques designed for the analysis of fertility, nuptiality, and mortality. Students will employ these techniques with Stata and learn data management. Some approaches that will be discussed during the course are (i) understanding the determinants of population growth, (ii) estimating mortality and fertility rates using indirect techniques, and (iii) examining the influence of unobserved heterogeneity on health and mortality. The course aims to familiarize students with tools and concepts that have been broadly used by demographers. Furthermore, the students will learn how to apply demographic methods using Stata software.

Institution: Professur für Demografie

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