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Englisch: Sprachpraxis B2: The Mistakes Clinic – Clean Up Your English!
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Präsenz + Online-Anteile 2 SWS
Studium Generale, fakultätsübergreifende Lehrveranstaltung
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
- Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
An- und Abmeldefristen im FlexNow-Onlinesystem entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Sprachenzentrums.
Die vorherige Teilnahme an einem HaF Placement Test ist zwingend erforderlich.
Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Vorlesungsverzeichnis des Sprachenzentrums unter der Rubrik
Sprachnachweis / Einstufungstests.
Participation in a HaF Placement Test is mandatory.
Information on this can be found in the course catalog of the
Language Center (UnivIS) under the heading
Language Certificate / Placement Tests.
If you have any questions about the HaF online placement test, please contact catherine.irvine(at)uni-bamberg.de for more information
- Inhalt
- Which sounds better, “We all make mistakes” OR “We all do mistakes”? “My English knowledges could be better?” OR “My English knowledge could be better?” Would you like to make your English more accurate and authentic? Then this course will help you to avoid making typical mistakes native speakers of German often make - in spoken and written English.
Areas of focus will include:
• Pronunciation pitfalls
• Vocabulary mistakes
• Grammatical gaffes in sentence structure, tenses and prepositions
• Malformed and misspelt words
• False Friends
A portfolio of tasks comprise the components of the evaluation
for the class. More details will be given in the first class.
Mastery of grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills at the B2 level
- Empfohlene Literatur
- The Mistakes Clinic
by Geoff Parkes
(ISBN 1-871-81945-8 )
Copies of the course book will be available in the first class session at a reduced price!
- Englischsprachige Informationen:
- Title:
- Englisch: Sprachpraxis B2: The Mistakes Clinic – Clean Up Your English!
- Credits: 3
- Zusätzliche Informationen
- Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
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