Einrichtungen >> Sprachenzentrum >> Abteilung Englisch >>
Oberkurs (Neue LPO; vertieft)
- Verantwortliche/Verantwortlicher
- N.N.
- Angaben
- Übung
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
- Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.
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When you register for this course, you will receive an automated response from FlexNow that your registration has been successful. Please make sure that you register for the correct Oberkurs section (Vertieft if you are studying LA Gymnasium).
LA Gymnasium, Vertiefungsmodul (3 ECTS); students must have fully completed the Basis- and Aufbaumodule in Sprachpraxis to enter this class!
- Inhalt
- To reflect the demands of the LPO I, the Oberkurs is offered as a course which, along with the course Sprachmittlung II, deals with the main language elements of the final exam (Staatsexamen). In this final exam, the time is shared between Textproduktion, which is the main focus of the Oberkurs, and translation/Sprachmittlung.
There will be two exams written outside of class that are based on tasks/skills required by the Textproduktion examination for Lehramt. The course will require students to demonstrate considerable linguistic complexity on all levels and have a high degree of competence in Landeskunde. It is therefore indispensable that students have already taken classes in GB and US Landeskunde and are aware that this course is primarily intended as realistic preparation for Lehramt students for the Textproduktion paper in their final exams. It is thus advisable to take this course after a longer period spent abroad.
For organisational reasons, we recommend that you take this course either before or after taking the translation course Sprachmittlung II! These two courses should not be taken in the same semester! In addition, students should plan their studies so that they are not taking the Oberkurs in the same semester as the Sprachpraktische Übung für Examenskandidaten either as these courses share exam times and contents.
The content and goals of both Oberkurs (vertieft; “new” LPO) courses are identical.
- Englischsprachige Informationen:
- Title:
- Oberkurs (Neue LPO; vertieft)
- Credits: 3
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